
June 23, 2020

I guess I'm an editor now

So...some big things went down with Bluprint. Most of you know already but for those who haven't: NBC decided to shut down the craft instruction streaming service. Not only does this make me worried for the many wonderful people I've worked with in my years of making quilting videos with the Denver-based team, it was a big snafu for me. Bluprint is a big chunk of my business income and they own the footage for the 6 video classes that I've poured my heart into making with them. It'll be hard to watch all that disappear. 

The closure felt extra complicated to me when it was announced, because I was less than a week from shooting a class with Bluprint, in my home, about making these improvisational style quilted pillows. They were going to send me equipment and guide me through the lighting and filming over a web conference and then I would send them the footage so they could work their editing magic. After preparing for the class for a month, watching it go down the drain was a big disappointment. 

I spent a day feeling cranky and stuck, and then the next day I decided to just go ahead and shoot the class anyway. The worst thing that would happen would be no one would want to watch it!

So that's what I've been working on for the last few weeks.  I did not have "video editing" on my 2020 bingo card, that's for sure. Life is full of surprises! Not only did I learn how to edit, but my 11 year old daughter was my cameraperson! And she did great. 

So the big news is that the class launched today. I named it "The Pathway Pillow". I've spent a lot of time figuring out where to host the class, writing the pattern and cleaning up the music in the videos. It feels so good to be able to say the class is ready!! I really hope you love it if you decide to join in. And I'm open to suggestions about what sort of class I should record next! I'd like to think the next one might be a little smoother now that we've made it through the first one. If you do check it out, I've created a discount code for 25% off that will be good for the next week: LEMONADE. 

Happy stitching everyone!


KaHolly said...

Looks like you’ve embraced our new normal in the most positive of ways, Christina! And what a wonderful opportunity for your daughter! How much is your course? I’m still in Texas, away from my Janome, and missing FMQ so much.

Rosemary B❤️ said...

Good for you.

Gene Black said...

The course looks delightful. I love the trailer for it.

Liz said...

I enrolled, I've always loved your classes, every single one of them! What Bluprint did was awful. I've got 200+ paid classes with them and I'm still waiting to find out whether I will get a copy.

bumblebee53 said...
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bumblebee53 said...

To put it bluntly about Bluprint - that sucks! Every one of you artists should own your own video content; didn't they make money off of what you all did? I was just about to join for a year. Supposedly if we did that, we got to keep our own videos. I think a class action suit should be filed by the artists and enrollees. That is unethical, what they did.

On happier subjects, I loved reading that you went forward with making the video! Congratulations to you and DD! The pillows are beautiful, as is that lovely blue room - is that where you sew? I would love to see you artists getting the full pay for what you do and I hope that whatever platform you use (or come up with collectively) will be artist-controlled. This looks like a great course - all your videos are so wonderful, encouraging, easy to follow, and very well recorded. I'm sure this will be no exception.

Susan said...

Congratulations on being in control of your own art! This couldn't be better for you, even though it's challenging and a bit rocky feeling right now. NO ONE can take THIS class away from you! NBC should never have invested, and lost, all that money. They had no clue how to run a craft business, which was evident from the very first day. Kudos to your daughter for having developed such great skills!

Pam said...

I a pretty disgusted with bluprint. I have taken your class "Wild Quilting" I think it was called. It was the best craftsy class ever and gave me lots of FMQ confidence in quilting and how to create a quilting design.
I fabric paint also mostly thru Helen Godden. She has a wonderful platform thru facebook where she has the best videos, handouts, platforms for us to display our work and to ask questions.
I only mention this as it is another possibility as a platform for your classes-it could work well for you.
Love your blog and classes.

Yvonne from Quilting Jetgirl said...

Lemonade indeed. I'm glad you recorded and are moving forward. You've got this!

Quiltdivajulie said...

SO proud of you - I'm already enrolled and will check out the class itself later this week (have to run a wild and wooly, potentially contentious, board meeting tomorrow and get that behind me). I have all of your Craftsy/BluPrint classes and have learned so much from those. Looking forward to your newest one!

Sally said...

Great news! I am excited that you have found a platform to host your classes. Bluprint blues was overcome by saving all of my class videos and making a couple of orders for fabric to complete projects. I am attempting to enroll in your Pathway Pillow class but for some reason PayPal isn't cooperating. Multiple attempts today have failed.

Vasudha said...

You are so inspiring. You've taken a disappointment and turned it into a learning experience. I love your YouTube and IG videos and I have learned a lot from them. Can't wait to get started on your class.

Sally said...

I am impressed! You and Ellery make an awesome team! Course Craft opened up the option for credit card payment making enrollment possible for me. Thanks for a great class. I love the FMQ pattern for the quilting. Now to practice and make the pillow.

Arlene Delloro said...

I own all of your books and Craftsy/Bluprint classes and you were a huge inspiration when I began to venture into FMQ. I would love more lessons on FMQ, particularly on how to plan out the quilting on my projects. said...

That's the spirit...don't let Bluprint stop your plans. Sometimes our biggest disappointments in life turn out to be blessings in disguise. I would love to see a tutorial on how to use doubleneedles. I know my babylock crescendo can do them, but how??? why??? when???

Elsie Montgomery said...

We are all getting stretched these days. Glad to see that you are making the best of it. A crisis became an opportunity. May this go really well for you!

Christine B said...

Well done Christina for making something positive out of a negative situation! You are awesome. I owe all your Bluprint classes as well as some others with other instructors (but I like yours best :D ) and I am hoping that Bluprint will give us the opportunity to download the videos that we own in our forever libraries they have said that they will try. I can't wait to take this new class. Keep safe and well! xxx

Loris said...

Great job! You and Ellery have a bright future! Bluprint really let us all down :-( Good job for you coming up with a great way to continue. A question...can we download this course after purchase so we can not lose it like we did with Bluprint?

The Joyful Quilter said...

Sorry to hear of the impact that Bluprint's closure had on your business, Christina! Way to push thru that disappointment by filming the new class on your own. SEW very cool that your daughter was able to help you with the project!

Maja said...

Congratulations on your new skills. I own all your bluprint classes and love them all so this was a huge dissapointment for me when they anounced that they will close down.

Q9patch72 said...

Just watched the class. Very informative. Will have to give the free motion a try. Thank you

Joanna said...

First, Ellery did a GREAT job! You've been one of my favorite teachers and authors. Heartbroken how everyone in the creative arts has had their incomes slashed so I offer support whenever I can. Finished the class and posted to Facebook. I managed to get through the FMQ! Would have enjoyed watching you FMQ the entire pillow as I set it up on my iPad and watch it over and over and over again while quilting. Thank you!

Rebecca said...

Hi Christina - I own your Scrappy Market Tote class on Bluprint (now Craftsy again - yay!) and I just want you to know that it is hands down my favorite class EVER, any teacher, any topic! The class is fun, inspiring, and colorful, but most of all, YOU are terrific. You have such a great attitude about improv, and this class has helped me to get past my perfectionism and creative paralysis. I'm still not natural with the process, so I find myself needing to go back and watch the class many, many times. It just never gets old. I've just discovered your blog, and found this post. Felt I needed to say THANK YOU!

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