
April 26, 2020

Drawing Together

Hello all! Checking in with a few quick updates. Hoping you are healthy and have what you need right now. Life in lockdown is busy and weird and exhausting! First off, I am home from work, like so many of you. And helping my kids with school from home, like so many others are. Creativity is not coming easy but I'm of the mind that that's normal for times like this. I've been through times of less creativity and it always comes back.

I really miss teaching, and have had to cancel several classes. In replacement for that particular joy I've started doing a daily quilt design video. I'm calling this project "Drawing Together". You can see previous days' videos at : and I also post them on my Facebook page.

One benefit of being home is I have a little time to focus on my business. I've restocked fabric in my shop for those of you who are looking to buy fabrics right now. What an awkward time to release a first fabric collection, eh?! I've also added my pretty little enamel pins to the store.

Wishing for little moments of peace and color and joy for you!


Ellen said...

It truly is hard to keep motivated. Though I’m retired and spend a lot of time at home, I’m used to getting out and about. A positive is that my craft room is organized and I’m finishing my Doctor Who quilt for my daughter.

Gene Black said...

Even though I generally stay home except for shopping, exercise, and Spanish class, this has really sapped my creative mojo for quilting. I am spending a lot more time practicing music as that seems to soothe my soul more than anything else.
I have watched several of the drawing videos on Facebook.

KaHolly said...

'Drawing together' is an incredible concept and so very well executed, Christina, but considering the source, I’m not surprised in the least. You are an amazing young lady, and I’m so blessed to have made your acquaintance. I like the fact that through this outreach, more quilters will be exposed to your positive and gentle teaching methods.

bumblebee53 said...

just went onto your facebook page and watched your latest video - this is so brilliant! i don't fmq but i would like just doodling along with these designs and listening to your lovely voice and seeing your beautiful face. i'm so busy with the gardening for myself and a client that my energy and creativity are all going there and there's nothing left for this kind of arting or crafting. maybe in June!

Unknown said...

Hi Christina...I retired at the start of the year and I think I am one of the few for which the stay at home fit well into my already determined plan to slow down and rest.
I am looking to do more quilting and have always been intimidated by the free motion quilting. When I first saw you on Fresh Quilting I just really loved the approach. I have your books and now I just need to get going! Thank you for these drawing classes, it is so nice to see you and hear you talk through it. I actually got out paper today and got started. Now I want to do it some more and then make a zippered pouch or a bucket. Thanks for making it a bite size approach!!
Suzi in Seattle

Christine B said...

These 'drawing together' videos are fabulous and it is such a generous thing to have done! I had surgery last week, so I can't follow along on my sewing machine right now but I am enjoying the drawing and colouring! Thank you Christina you're awesome! xxx

The Joyful Quilter said...

Looking forward to seeing your fabrics in person! Off to take a look at your new videos...

Rebecca Grace said...

Hopefully those creative juices are flowing more freely for you now. I think your cheerful fabric collection is the perfect antidote to the Coronavirus Blues!

Carla said...

While I am retired and tend to stay home I did enjoy the freedom of running to the quilt store or restaurant. And seeing friends. I already missed some human interaction after retiring but now knowing I shouldn't be doing a lot of socializing is crazy. But I have filled my time with quilting and now canning or freezing excess veggies

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