Sometimes during my hours-long sketching sessions my daughter would sit beside me and we would draw together. I never thought to take any pictures of it, but imagine she and I sitting in a bed or on a couch together, each with a book on her lap, a ream of printer paper and a mess of folders and pens between us. Each of us occasionally stops to admire what the other is doing and offer their encouragement. I didn't anticipate that, but it is so precious.
I also didn't anticipate that the kids would color in my cast-off drawings. It really thrilled me, and sometimes let me see them in a whole new light.
I like that my daughter got to see the messy, drawn out process of creating a book. Having her near me as I worked has certainly influenced her. She makes her own continuous line designs now!
And the other day she declared we should make a "Design book" together. We each did one page of the spreads.
This time in our life as a family is a precious one. I wonder how we will look back on it. Raising kids is a constant source of curiosity and wonder.
THANK you to everyone for the hearty congratulations on my new book! There is no way I can email you individually, each time I do a giveaway my email becomes unmanageable. But "Willit Neverend" (isn't that a great username?) was chosen by to receive the signed book! Don't be sad if you didn't win, Sarah at Confessions of a Fabric Addict just showed what she quilted using a design from the book. And she's hosting a giveaway of the book as well! So head on over and enter that one! See you all soon.