Here is some improvisationally cut foundation that's then improvisationally pieced and joined back together. I want to do this x1000. Big and over the top scrappy. This is my "fabric sketch". Right now I'm appliquéing the edges down but I bet with some practice I could do this all on the machine.
Spring is making the world bright and lovely. I've been thinking about fabric design and how I love shapes and color and so I made an entry into a recent Spoonflower challenge. It's gotten a lot of love over at Spoonflower which felt really good! I have plenty of sketches of other design ideas, it's just a matter of time at the computer to get the repeats and colors right.
Getting everything to fit just right is an interesting (sometimes frustrating and slow!) challenge. But I've enjoyed learning more. And it turns out the same skills are applicable elsewhere too: I was invited to turn some of my quilting designs into pantograph patterns! These are quilting designs that can be followed by long arm quilters manually or used digitally to finish quilts. I've made 5 so far, and hope to be able to show one on an actual quilt soon! (I don't own a long arm! Minor inconvenience...) If you have a long arm though, the designs are available through Willow Leaf Studio and I'd love to see what you quilt with them!
It's fun to see how much there is to show for the last couple of months from playing around and following my curiosity. I'm looking forward to exploring and experimenting a bit more before I dive into my next big project, whatever that ends up being! Are you trying new things right now too? Spring seems to be full of that kind of energy!