August 24, 2022

How Should I Quilt It?

(Hey there! I learned that my old blog delivery service stopped working, so I signed up for a new one. You'll still be getting my blog posts emailed - it may look different though!)

I've been waiting to get that fixed up to tell you about something special I cooked up! For the past two years I've been chipping away at this little project: 

I recorded my talk about how I decide on quilting designs!! I categorized all the ways I look at a quilt top to come up with quilting ideas, and then showed examples of those ideas in action. I also made a worksheet to guide you to come up with your own quilting ideas! The talk is How Should I Quilt It? and it's available through Creative Spark and using my link will get you $5 off through the end of August.  I would love to hear what you think!

Here's a video to show a little bit more about the talk: 

I'd love to know how you like using the worksheet!

Oh, also, while email delivery was down you might have missed news of the free quilt along with Quilting Daily!

That's all for today loves! 

August 03, 2022

The Harmony and Light Quilt Along!

 Hey folks, quick update here! 

I made this lovely quilt! It's called "Harmony and Light" and the pattern is in this month's Quiltmaker magazine. But if you don't subscribe, no problem - because it's available for free through the Quilting Daily Quilt Along!

The Quilt Along runs through October. When you sign up you can download the pattern as well as see videos of every step in the process, including how I quilted it! 

You don't need a specialty ruler, just the printable templates that I'll show you how to use with your regular quilting ruler. I made the quilt using Saguaro fabric and Starlight Metallics. It requires quarter yards of each fabric, and fat quarters work too, so if you got a fat quarter bundle of Saguaro a while back, this would be a great use for it! 

I look forward to seeing the quilts you make with this pattern!

April 25, 2022

Things I made with Saguaro fabric

Coming back to the blog after the Year Everything Changed, I see I forgot to post about some things I made. I am so proud of these quilts with my lovely new fabric, how did I miss this?? I remember writing about them, but now I remember that was in my newsletter. (Sign up using the link at the bottom of my website if you want to get on it!) 

Well, my new fabric line Saguaro came out - I think I mentioned that in one of my posts! This is the flagship pattern, also called Saguaro. These cactus only grow in a narrow slice of the Southwest, where I happened to grow up. If you see a Saguaro with arms, it's at least 80 (!) years old! I love this tribute to the land I know so well. The quilt is out touring quilt shops and I can't wait until it's home!

I worked harder perfecting this pattern than any I've ever done. The Saguaro quilt pattern is available as a digital download, or as a printed pattern carried by quilt shops.  I've really loved seeing the finished Saguaro quilts people have made. In prints or solids, it's striking and lovely!

Next up, this simple beauty called Cactus Flower. It's a sweet table runner that is english paper pieced. The digital pattern includes a link to a printable file to cut out your own pieces, or you can buy them from I've been considering making kits for this one. It's satisfying to sew, and I'd like to make a single flower as a pillow for our couch!

Now for those who like a little challenge, here is a diamond-block based quilt called Painted Desert. The template is included with the pattern. This quilt is touring too!! Come home baby I miss you!!
The digital Painted Desert pattern is here. I really like how I quilted this one. It was not complicated or time consuming but it packs a nice punch of texture and variety. 

Finally, here is a quick quilt with a twist, using a layer cake (10" squares). It's called Thunderclap. I really had a great time quilting this one too. I love the energy it has. The digital pattern for Thunderclap is in my shop as well! 

OK now I feel better that I gave these quilts their moments! Have you made any of these quilts? 

April 21, 2022

More Quilting Joy (even when it's late)

Well that title says it all. It's what I want to put out there in the world. More quilting joy!

I realize didn't even share my new book that released in October! I don't know what to say about how I missed this one, I'm filing it under "Last Year Was Bonkers". 

Free-Motion Combinations is all about how you can get more free-motion designs into the same piece. 
It's got so many of the lessons I've learned about HOW you make it all work together. I wish I had had this book to learn from 10 years ago! I think I would have tried new things sooner and my quilting would have gotten better a lot faster. 

I teach you how to make these specific designs, but more importantly, I share the concepts behind them so you can use my approaches in your own way!

If you prefer learning from videos, I put some of those same "aha!" lessons in my new online class, Finding your Flow

I recorded this class for Quiltcon Together and it got great reviews. I love the work my students have sent me after taking this class. Your feedback makes my day!

On the horizon I am working on a class about how I look at a quilt top to decide how to quilt it. If you have questions I can answer in this class I would love to hear them because I'll start recording next week!

Happy stitching all!

January 21, 2022

Scrappy Quarter Cabins rides again

You know who still knows how to blog? This girl! But here's something you might not know about blogging: a week after I hit publish all these spam comments begin to show up on my posts. Comments  with links about joining the illuminati, or dish washer repair in Dubai, or how to wear a wig, or how to get your husband back. Sometimes the same comment 10 times. Yikes. I don't want that garbage all over my blog, so I set my comments to be "moderated" starting 3 days after publishing. And then those spammy spammers don't get to advertise on the blog, but also my readers' nice normal thoughtful comments also don't show unless I go to the blogger site to read and approve them. Which I forgot to do. For almost whole year. And there were so many incredibly sweet comments in there, that I just found today and if you're one of the people who left them, I'm not actually a jerk, I just forgot to check my comments! I'll be responding now that I know they're there!

Anyway, just popping in with a little news about a class I recorded called Scrappy Quarter Cabins. Here's the story: A while ago I wrote a tutorial on this blog about how to make scrappy quarter log cabin blocks. The tutorial was just on making the blocks, which was enough for some of you to make lovely quilts. I then taught the class in person once, just before the pandemic, which was wonderful, and then after I figured out how to teach online, I started teaching it live for quilt guilds on Zoom. I gave the participants a printable pattern for how to finish up a throw size quilt and it worked great! It was so fun to see their finished quilts in my email afterward!

As I continued to teach, I decided there were some things I could record to make online teaching to guilds easier/more efficient/more effective. And then I decided it could be a class available to individuals to watch too! 

And that's where I stared to make things complicated. While no one would expect to see me finish an entire quilt in a 3 hour class, it is possible to see that in a recorded class. So I really should show the entire finished quilt, I figured. Which means I need to make one as I record. And I should really show how to quilt it too, right, since I teach domestic machine quilting? Of course! And that's how I started recording in February and didn't finish until April the day before we moved

So then my life became about all the happy transitions happening, and the videos waited patiently for me to find more time. Which I will never find, because I keep getting too many good ideas and wow are there a lot of kids in this house. 

Luckily, I am happy to say I figured out that I can't do it all (without even having a crisis first!) and brought in help in the form of a former nurse an all around super hero in my quilt guild named Erin. She took the videos, made them look and sound spiffy, and now we can all breathe a sigh of relief that THAT project got finished!

If you'd like to check out the free tutorial, click here. If you'd like the killer videos and pattern and quilting suggestions, click here! Happy stitching everyone. And oh my gosh leave your comments before the weekend is over or I might not see them until 2023!!!