My daughter's daycare asks the kids a question every day and records their answers for the parents. It's fun to get insight into their minds and helps us get to know her classmates. One day the question was "What was your favorite thing you did this weekend?" My daughter's answer was "Making cupcakes with Mama!" And the next day we found out about her gluten intolerance. Dangit.
I will start by saying that I know we are so lucky. It isn't diabetes, or cancer, or anything we can't fix. And it is a great chance to make healthy changes in the food we eat as a family. But I love being a mama who says "OK!" when my kid says "Let's make waffles!" or "Let's make cookies!" and I feel a little adrift, grasping at recipes online and boxed mixes where I used to feel so confident and capable. Having to decide whether I really want to use "potato starch" or "xanthan gum" in anything I cook.
I've gone from cooking 80% of our meals to cooking 95% of our meals. And I guess that 15% difference was the space that my blog lived in? Instead of writing posts during my online time, I've been looking up recipes or figuring out if I can grind my own brown rice flour in my blender. I recall a similar food-readiness obsession during my first pregnancy. That time it was freezer cooking. I was like a squirrel storing nuts for the winter. This time it's broader. Healthy homemade food that is quick and kid friendly and also gluten free. No biggie, right?
I want to feel capable of feeding the family when #2 arrives in two months and rocks our world all over again. So instead of sewing I've been in the kitchen. These days I simply can't rest until I've made the carrot muffins with almond flour, or tried homemade yogurt in the new slow cooker. Hearing my intense state of mind you probably won't be surprised to learn I had a few days of contractions a couple of weeks ago, just to keep everyone on their toes. Happily the little guy is still inside, right where we want him, head wayyyyy down and leading me to waddle a lot earlier than I'd prefer.
And that's that. Everyone is adapting. A week into the gluten free diet my daughter proclaimed "My tummy and my booty feel better!" Which made me cry. And we just celebrated my birthday with... cupcakes. Gluten free, hedgehog cupcakes, that my daughter and I made together.
Things are getting back to normal, (or, the new normal), and I expect to back in the swing of things here soon. The days grow warmer and we have rediscovered our backyard and our neighbors. And I've even spent a bit of time here and there in the sewing room. Is there any better therapy?
I'm not sure what these will become, but that's just the kind of project I'd like right now. Hope you are all doing well out there, blog-folk, thanks for all the support and encouragement and checking on us! I wish I was better at responding to emails and blog comments right now but life is just happening so fast.... Until next time!
I'm glad to hear that y'all are all adjusting to the new normal and that your little one is feeling better. I would have cried too when she said that. We could all benefit from making healthier choices when we feed our families. I'm just glad that you now have a course of action and I don't think I've ever seen a cuter cupcake!
Wow! You've been learning and doing a lot. It's so exciting about the new baby. It does seem like the gluten thing is becoming more and more common. Glad you are figuring it out and your kiddo is feeling better. How awesome of you to go and learn all that stuff....including the hedgehog cupcakes. Totally cute!
Sorry. Just gotta do what ya gotta do for our sweet little things. Glad #2 is still waiting. I remember that waddle well, even tho my 'baby' is graduating this month. Some things you never forget. Good luck in the gluten free.
Sorry about the gluten intolerance, but there are, luckily, loads of alternatives out there now. Good thing she is feeling much better ,too, as when littley comes along he will need some attention too... Oh happy memories.
I'm glad your daughter is feeling better (tummy and "booty"--too cute). I sure can identify with having to change your diet. It does rock your world. Sounds like you are coping okay. If you ever want any recipes, let me know what kind and I'll put some together for you. I've amassed quite a few in the past several years! Meanwhile, here is a link to a blog I like to read. She has two little girls who eat gluten (and other things)-free:
Glad to hear that your sweet little girl has a problem that is manageable. I can't imagine not using good old wheat flour...but if I had to I would manage. After all, I didn't think I could manage diabetes, but once you get the hang of eating differently, it is surprisingly easy.
Y'all will probably be healthier too, for eating fresher foods.
You don't need to reply...I fully understand.
Christina give me a call!!! I have been gluten free for 18 years and I can make an amazing gluten free waffle and it's easy.
so good to hear from you! It seems to me there has been quite an upsurge in the numbers of folks who are gluten intolerant - that said, there has also been a large increase in the availability of gluten free products, which is a good thing. Glad to hear that everyone is adjusting and that your daughter is feeling better. With a gluten free diet, the whole family will probably feel better as a side benefit. Take care!
You'll get the new routines down in time: there are lots of good resources out there and "alternatives" like rice flour are so much more easily gotten than even ten years ago. Of course, having another kid will muck up your routine anyhow so at least you'll be used to feeling muddled! Keep up the stichty experimentation, you're heading in a lovely direction.
I've been wondering where you've been. Really glad to hear from you.
It's tough to change sometimes ~ I've found out I'm gluten intolerant too and probably have been for a really long time. We are lucky to have the resources we have to accommodate the many allergies that are popping up.
Here's to eating healthy and having gluten free cupcakes!!!
I know what you mean! My little one is allergic to tomato - nowhere near as ubiquitous as gluten, but still cut down a lot of the condiments and cheats we can use, and halved my arsenal of "from the storecupboard, to the freezer" meals.
I'm happy to hear from you again! I had wondered about you. I'm glad you are finding your way with the gluten recipes and more delighted to hear that your daughter feels the difference.
I am soooo glad that her tummy and her booty feel better!!! I understand EXACTLY what she means....keep at it. It is hard. I don't have kids, but am gluten intolerant and I cook every meal from scratch. Lots of trial and error....UDI's is reliable when you need a pizza crust or a bagel and Bob's Red Mill has some mixes that are okay too.
You'll find your stride soon and figure it all out.
So good to hear your update - continue to do the things you need to do, whatever they may be.
I had my son last year and soon after found out that I have developed hayfever- I am a sneezing wreck and can whole heartedly sympathise with the newly discoverd allergy. Good thing is you can help your daughter and there is lots of alternatives... with also the possiblity as she gets older she might grow out of it... and even if not there are good alternatives! Glad you are all well and GOOD LUCK with your new monkey =)
I too have been thinking of you lately so happy to read your update. Just keep in touch when you can and continue to do what your family needs.
Sorry to hear about the gluten intolerance... it's an adjustment... but you can do it! Here are some of my favorite sites:
also, a great place to get almond meal:
Good luck and happy tummies!
I have missed you and your blogs, but totally get your priority changes. So sorry about the gluten thing, but also so glad you found out the issues. Good for you for all your hard work. I have no advice to share, but admire your dedication to your solutions.
My mom and sister have celiac disease. Whole foods carries a wonderful line of baked goods, that actually taste good. Williams Sonoma and king Arthur's flour also have great gluten free flour mixes to use.
Babycakes bakery also has a cook book that is wonderful.
I am glad your daughter is feeling much better!
I was just reading through the free motion quilting posts. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!!!! I actually think I could play around with this. I've been afraid to even play with it because I'd be a failure at playing - very discouraging. But you make it sound like a possibility.
I'm sorry to read aboaut the gluten intolerance. I know there are more and more gluten free foods out there. I hope things are getting better for everyone.
Oh - can I add one thing? I think you're clever!!!!!!!
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