November 20, 2013

All the news that is news

I have a new job, which is downright wonderful unless you like reading my blog (hi grandma!).

I have sewn a few things. First, an iPad cover for my husband. He loves it. Seriously, my man takes something I quilted for him to work. That is a major achievement.

Side note: I will make a tutorial. If you need it before the gift giving season let me know so I can take my attention away from peanut butter cups and Netflix.

I also made more nesting buckets. I love these things. They are a fun way to get people to try free motion quilting and have something to show for it at the end. I have one more class coming up to teach them. I wish I had better pictures but right after this the toddler photobombed me! Little man is into everything these days. Everything. Exhibit A:

Also, I have two patterns in the just-out issue of Stitch Gifts 2014! (The sewing industry is like the automobile industry with years now!). In one of the patterns they autocorrected my last name to Camel.  Hah! It's good for a laugh at least. I hope life is equally joyful around your parts!


Margaret said...

I enjoy your posts because my kids are now 28 and 32. My "little man" is the 28-year-old now and sometimes I miss the days when he would have been "Photobombing" (whatever that is!) Given his age, I don't think it existed 20-25 years ago! Keep on keeping on...enjoy time to stitch when you can, and bless that sweet hubby of yours for appreciating your work! :-)

Gene Black said...

Isn't' it nice when the one you love LOVES something you made for them?

Darned autocorrect!

What Comes Next? said...

congrats on the new job! although I do miss your posts :) Such a wonderful man you've got - a real keeper! The little man is exploring!

Sarah Craig said...

Beautiful stuff, Christina - looks like I've just gotten another inspiration blast!! I see more fun sewing in my future….

Vicki said...

Busy, busy mommy! Great creations for sure.

Marilyn said...

Great ideas to practise FMQ. I am still trying to get it to go smoothly.

Anonymous said...

Everyone in my FMQing class loves your book. It's a great resource. I can't tell you the amount of times they've spelled my name wrong.

Kay Lynne said...

Hi Christina! I love your "First Steps" book. I have been so busy with life in general that I haven't had time to catch-up with all my quilting friends. My husband appreciates my sewing to :) Someday you will miss your little man's adventures. My son was known as the "quilt slasher" because he decided to try out my sewing scissors on his quilt! At least he made one clean cut and it was fixable :)

Shelina said...

Congratulations on getting your patterns published again. Yes, Camel, Christina, that's the same! LOL

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