September 13, 2019

Scrappy and Fabulous things are happening

School started and so has the rain in Portland. We're no longer trying to camp and play in the water every spare moment! We ate soup this week and baked an apple crisp with our homegrown apples. The little delights that make it easier to say farewell to warmer, drier days. And moving indoors more means it's finally time to open the computer and send a report!

I spent a large part of my work time this summer sewing my scraps together. How about these little crumbs and strings??

As you can see, when I use my scraps up I use them improvisationally, without cutting them to a specific size first. I love working this way. It is so intuitive and spontaneous. I feel like it is profoundly therapeutic to just sit down and match fabrics together and sew them up. 

Sometimes using a lot of scraps together can have a chaotic "too much" effect and so I used different techniques to control the chaos. Whether that's adding some solids for visual order, narrowing a color scheme, grouping by color or working light to dark, I think a little intentionality goes a long way. 

I often throw myself into sewing when the kids are at their dads. It makes the time go faster and I can immerse myself in color and shapes in a way I can't when I'm also being a mom. That focused, deep work pattern lends itself to big projects!! All these samples were done as I was preparing a new class for Bluprint! Some shots taken by my producer, Brandon, give you a behind the scenes glimpse.

Shooting these classes is exhilarating and exhausting. There are always three cameras going! I usually come away feeling a funny mixture of warm pride and extreme self consciousness. Ha! Anyway, I think this will be a really fun class! I hope it gets people using up their scraps!

Bluprint's editing of my last class was very well done. It made it feel upbeat and happy, two things I love. But that great work takes time, so it'll be a month or so before this one is ready to share. I'm sure I'll be back here with blog tutorials on a lot of these scrappy things too, because there's only so much you can fit into a class! If you have a request for a tutorial on any of the specific designs I shared above please let me know so I can prioritize!

And there's one more happy thing on the horizon: Just today the news was also released that this year I took on a new challenge in the quilting world: fabric design. Maywood Studio, here in Portland, brought me into their circle of designers. My first collection is called Moongate and we will be showing more of it next month when Quilt Market happens. What we made together is beautiful, versatile, unique and sparkly. I'm so. excited. to share more, but for now, just this little graphic with hints about the collection will have to do!! Happy weekend and happy stitching everyone!


Home Sewn By Us said...

Hi Christina! I am so excited for you. You deserve great things to happen as I have enjoyed your Craftsy classes very much. I love both pieces you have shared above featuring the blue fabrics. Especially the one that resembles a log cabin type of building out from the center piece. It sounds like there is a lot to look forward to in spite of the weather turning. ~smile~ Roseanne

Gene Black said...

This looks great. I love playing with scraps and seeing what happens. I love the pieces you have shown. I am looking forward to the class.

And that fabric line - wow - that has me excited!

EYSchmitt said...

You wrote two very true statements which resonated with me...." I feel like it is profoundly therapeutic to just sit down and match fabrics together and sew them up" AND " I think a little intentionality goes a long way". Thanks for this interesting post!

JC in TX said...

Your work & teaching are very motivating--lot of light bulbs go off as I watch your programs. I would like to be a fly on the wall just to see the actual selection process you go through on the 1st 3 pieces above and the 'light to dark' process.

LeAnne said...

I would really loke some insight into how you made the turquoise and gold quilt. It looks like a modern log cabin. Were the really small pieces part of the fabric or pieced?

Brenda Perry said...

I love the way you put your scraps together! Somehow they look so much better than the mess I get when I do my "crumb quilts." I would really like it if you could share your process for selection and placement of your scraps. Congratulations again on designing your fabric collection and your newest Craftsy/Blueprint class. I am excited to see both!

quiltfairy33 said...

So much scrappy beauty! Clearly you were in the zone. I love moon fabric and can't wait for your collection to come out.

Kathleen said...

How exciting! Your own fabric design . . . I look forward to hearing more about it.
kakingsbury at verizon dot net

KaHolly said...

So very exciting, Christina! You head must always be spinning. I love your Blueprint classes, altho' I confess I haven’t bought any since Craftsy changed to Blueprint. However, I do look forward to seeing you at QuiltCon. I signed up for one of your workshops as soon as registration opened up. I was so afraid it would fill up quickly, that my finger was poised and ready to click. I need to concentrate more when I try to improvise my scraps together. I get just so far and then I get discouraged and give up. Yours always look so intriguing.

Angie in SoCal said...

Darling scrap happenings. Congrats on your new venture. Look forward to seeing the fabric.

A Left-Handed Quilter said...

Congratulations on your fabric line! I'm so glad you're doing another class - I can hardly wait so sign up - my scraps are out of control - again - LOL. Any suggestions on how to sort them to prepare for your class? - ;))

Chrysanthemum said...

So good to have another blog from you...�� I’m working on scrap quilts from my stash and you are such an inspiration... I’m also trying to figure out my quilting style and I love looking through your books for that...

Shelina said...

Each of these scrappy projects are so beautiful! It sounds like it will be a great class!

bumblebee53 said...

i love your scrappy creations, Christina! i look forward to more pictures of your scrappy delights and this is one class i would love to take! (Sadie here in case you didn't recognize my avatar!)

FlourishingPalms said...

I love all the scrappy arrangements you've come up with. I predict another book in your future! And you know how excited I am for you to release your fabric collection. It's simply wonderful. February 2020 can't come soon enough!

StitchCraftGrams said...

I love the images above. As someone in another comment indicated, i would love to see your selection planning process. That is what always holds me back!

My favorite is the crumbs with dark center fading light in both directions. The other is the blue modern log cabin & the scrappy diagonal stips put together that way. Not sure what it is called. Are any of these tutorials yet?

I gave not tried blueprint yet, but it sounds wonderful!

Rebecca Grace said...

Congratulations on your upcoming fabric line!! I love your "crumbs and strings," the name AND your process. You've started all sorts of ideas percolating around in my dusty brain now... Thank you!

Sarah Craig said...

I love seeing everything you've been working on this summer! I wish I could say it's getting cooler here, but we're in for another week of 90+ temps - but that means staying inside and sewing too so it's all good! Can't wait to see your fabrics...

Quiltdivajulie said...

I would love to see a tutorial for that bag shown in the four-part collage (the one that Flourishing Palms pattern tested for you on IG). Congrats on the fabric designing - can't wait to see Moongate!!

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