August 15, 2010

A quilt along and a GIVEAWAY!

Does the world need another quilt along? I say YES.

Have you noticed that most quilt alongs assemble a quilt top over several weeks and then address the quilting briefly at the end? I have, and I want to do the exact opposite! I want to briefly assemble a top and then walk you through quilting it, with patterns that are interesting to you.

There seem to be lots of quilters who want to practice free motion quilting - but not on a quilt top they've worked hard on. This quilt along gives you a quilt you don't have to worry about ruining - you could even make it out of fabric that you hate if you want. Or, if you don't want to assemble the top, that's fine too. You can just quilt along with scraps.

If you've never free motion quilted before, I'm going to show you how. If you're stuck in a meandering rut, I'm gonna help you break free. If you're already free motioning your little heart out I might at least give you a few new designs to try. I'm no expert, but I've had some success teaching other quilters to free motion quilt and I want to spread the good news far and wide: you can do it! On your home machine! It's not magic. (But it does feel magical!)

So to generate a little interest in this thing and to start some lucky quilter off on the right foot, I've got a little free motion prize package to give away. The lucky winner will receive:

  • Craft size Warm and Natural packaged batting (perfect size for this project!)
  • 50 curved Dritz quilt basting pins
  • Fons and Porter grippy gloves
  • A package of Schmetz size 90/14 quilting needles
  • One spool of YLI machine quilting thread in white

Since the giveaway is an unabashed attempt to publicize the quilt along, you have three ways to enter. You should leave a separate comment for each entry.

1 - leave a comment on this post telling me something you hope we cover in the quilt along.
2 - become a follower of this blog
3 - blog about the giveaway or quilt along and leave the URL to your post below

The giveaway will be open through August 21st. Good luck and stay tuned! If you'd like a button for the quilt along, here it is (for some reason this looks fine on my home screen and sideways everywhere else. I'll do my best to fix it!):

free motion quilt along


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Allie said...

Oh my goodness I am IN - this is just in time for me, lol!

Allie said...

And I'm now a follower, so I remember to come back here - although I did put your button on my blog!

Willa said...

I like the shapes you show as examples of free motion quilting. Hate meandering.

good assortment for prize.

Jacque said...

I am a fairly new quilter and I would love to learn to have my quilting to look nicer. I have taught myself with help from quilting blogs.

Jacque said...

I am a new follower, and can't wait to learn!!:o)

Allie said...

And I just posted about your quilt-along, this is going to be SO fun - this is the kind of quilt-along I can handle!

Anita in Florida said...

This is just what I've been waiting for! Would love to join in. 'Quilt As Desired' ALWAYS makes me freeze up.........don't know what I desire!

Anita in Florida said...

I am now a FOLLOWER!

sshooey said...

I don't have a stitch regulator on my machine and would like to learn on how to get stitches more even when doing free motion quilting.

Anonymous said...

I would like to see how to maneuver (sp?) and deal with the rolled up bulky part of the quilt, not just the stitching part. Although the stitching part is good, too! Thanks!

Anonymous said...

I just started to free-motion quilt and I want to know everything! :) I'm interested in knowing patterns and ideas from the pros. And, I've got several quilts that need to be basted and quilted... so I'm ready to go! :)

Anonymous said...

I'm following so I can keep up with all of this quilt-a-long goodness.

Anonymous said...

love to join in...I'm really new to machine learning anything about machine quilting is a plus!

Linda Lee said...

Hi! I have taught myself to do my own version of meandering--and would love to learn other methods if machine quilting. One question I have-When a pattern suggests a specific quilting pattern, is it possible to do it on my machine or do I need a longarm?
Thank you!!!

Anonymous said...

I blogged about your fun quilt along

Linda Lee said...

I just signed on as a follower--and will follow the Machine Quilt A Long!

Pat said...

I've read about this quilt-along on so many of my friends' blogs today. I am NOT good at free-motion quilting, so I hope to follow along with this and improve my skills. Thanks for doing it! I signed on as a follower so I won't miss anything!

Linda Lee said...

I just made a blog post about your quilt-a-long and added your button! I would love to him your giveaway!!

Susan said...

This is my first time to your blog and I'm interested. I think your idea is neat and will definitely be helpful. I've done a little free motion quilting but I'm always interested in how other people free motion, esp. their designs. It's so personal it's almost like handwriting.

Pam said...

Wow ...what a great idea. I will join for sure!! Thanks for the chance to win too.

Pam said...

I'm a follower.

GranthamLynn said...

I am so on this! Do I need to sign up or what? Thanks for doing this! Looking forward to your next installment.

Anonymous said...

now follow..

Robin said...

I am so excited. Found out about this through I have tried free motion and failed, so I am looking forward to anything you are willing to teach us. Thanks!!!!

Robin said...

I am now a follower of your blog too. :)

GranthamLynn said...

Opp's forgot what I want to learn. Oh how much time do I have for that! I just want to absorb your talent! And I have some tops ready to try on. I can't wait. I followed just now and will write a post at myhomesanctuary(dot)blogspot(dot)com Can't wait pick me pick me.

Sylvia said...

Any tips for free motion quilting are appreciated. And how to keep tucks out of the back, which is my current annoyance.

scottylover said...

I have tried to learn to machine quilt on my machine, but always have trouble getting the bobbin tension correct. I would love it if you talked about that and most of all, showed us what the correct tension on the back looks like.
Sandy A

Gaile said...

I'm already excited, as I never heard about those grippy gloves, and am a brand new quilter with three baby quilts to my name. I hope we cover ways to quilt a modern quilt, and also some fun designs and how to do them. thanks!

scottylover said...

I now follow you!

Sandy A

GranthamLynn said...

Ok. I followed. I told ya why and what. And I wrote a post and invited others along. So pick me please! Here's my link.
Waitin' to quilt along.

Mary said...

I'm a follower. :)

Mary said...

I would like to see how to bring the bobbin thread up to the top of the quilt!

Kim said...

I would love to learn how to do some big flowers. I just learned to do meandering and I have a new Baby Lock. I'm excited to do this. Thanks!

Kim said...

I'm now a follower.

Kim said...

I blogged about it here:

Sherry Hogan said...

I'm a newby or fairly new to quilting and I'm intrigued by free motion bet when I get my top done I like it too much to practice on so this is great. I just want to know how to do it.

I'm now a follower.

Lisa said...

Great concept to break us free of our 'go to' solutions for quilting. I hope to learn about how to decide on a quilting design.

Judee said...

How about speed and the control of it? Especially when doing curves/loops? This sounds like fun. I am putting the button on my blog.

Lisa said...

Hi Christina, I blogged about your quilt along here:

Lisa said...

I am following afewscraps now. Thanks again for hosting this quilt along. I can't wait to get started.

wolf3349 said...

I would love to learn how to quilt my own projects up. That is a great idea you have. Thank you for your time.

Elizabeth said...

I'd like to see hints for somebody who wants to learn stippling.

Elizabeth said...

I'm a follower.

Annieofbluegables said...

I am so excited to be learning more about free motion. I love that flower! Your work is beautiful. Thank you.

Annieofbluegables said...

I became a follower, too!

Anne-Lise at Rag, Tag, Bobtail said...

FMQ is something I want to learn - so thank you for the quilt along.

Theodora quilts said...

I just got done blogging about your quilt along that I am soooo excited about ,but there is an r< thingy next to it something I did'nt do right I don't know what I really am trying hard if you have time write to me some advice I would surly appreciate it , I like that you have recipes I also have some check mine out when you have time you will like my recipe on biscotis .

Unknown said...

Oh this is very exciting. I have only dabbled in it a little so it will be very helpful to me. I am hoping to learn how to start in the center like they say without buckling my quilt. Thank so much..

Unknown said...

Yes i am defiently a follower. thank you

Unknown said...

Oh I added your button to my blog and I hope you get lots of people who are interested....

Anonymous said...

I would ;pve to give this a try. Just when do we START? I'm going to be out of town with out computer access? Can I catch up if I get behind?
I will also post to my Facebook page about the quilt along.

Theodora quilts said...

I thought I left a comment earlier ,but I don't see it I am a new follower ,and I also blogged about it after several failed attemps ,I am still a newby to blogging and to computers ,I am also extatic about this since I have toms of top to practice on.

Theodora quilts said...

Hi christina !!I left a comment twice earlier ,but for some reason its not showing up this is the third maybe it's the charm I am a new follower ,and excited about the quilt along , I have already blogged about it and I am all set.

Theodora quilts said...

well I quess I was blind sighted my comments did show up after I left the previous comment, this is the 4th LOL , I get like this when I get excited about something. and my first comment mention something about an r> thingy that came up on my post on my blog ,but I fixed it after a couple of attempts, still learnig the computer.

Lyn said...

This is defiantly out of my range of comfort. I will look forward to doing it along with others.

Lyn said...

I would like to see leaves, and holiday based quilting as I like to do table runners

WvHmmngbrd said...

I hope you cover free motion in all directions, especially backwards!!! I just started and am hoping to pick up some tips! Thanks for the chance to win!

WvHmmngbrd said...

I just became a follower!!!

Yvonne said...

I have become a follower as I don't want to miss anything! I have a few tops ready to go, but need some encouragement to get going. Thanks for the quilt along, Yvonne.

Anonymous said...

I just found your blog, and I'm now a follower.

Anonymous said...

I've been doing free motion quilting for quite some time, but nothing too creative. I'd love to be able to sew some really cool designs, something beyond meandering. I tried some apples the other day--I'm probably the only one who knows what they were supposed to be.

joan said...

I was introduced to your blog by a blogger friend Allie and I am so glad she did. I have been keeping a watchful eye everywhere for a Free Motion workshop and here it is. I am one of those who is stuck on meandering and fearful to explore FMQ further. I have joined your blog and posted your badge on mine... Thank you so much and I look forward to getting to connect with you.

Anonymous said...

I've written about your blog and the giveaway on my blog

Now I have to check out your archives and see what I can learn!

Kiwifruit-Shiree said...

oh wow,you wonderfful quilter you, sharing your skills with us all, can't wait ot learn some new skills, and designs, roll on the start date!

Diane said...

I just became a follower. I am so excited about this quilt along. Quilting the quilt is my least favorite part and I believe this will help me get going on all those tops I have.

Karen said...

Hi Christina, Wow, what a wonderful way to utilize the thread I won in your last giveaway. No excuses now for not practicing FMQ. IF I were to win, I don't need the gloves or pins, but would love to add the rest to my collection of sewing supplies. Thanks!

Karen said...

It's me again. I just signed up to follow your blog. Thanks!!!!!!!!!

Deanne said...

I am so happy about the quilt along. Hoping to overcome my fear of free motion quilting.

Anne said...

Just what I need!! Following you now via
Cheers from Australia,

71square said...

I love piecing but I don't love the actual quilting part. I'd like to learn how to conquer the fear so I can love the quilting part as well.


Joy McD said...

Great idea! I have become a follower!!

Joy McD said...

I would like to learn more than just loops and meandering... some shapes, any tips... just anything really to help overcome the fear of free motion quilting!

Char said...

I want to learn how to control the bobbin tension on my sewing machine while I free motion which seems to be a major problem for me. AND I would love to win your give away

Jerilynn Hillock said...

I've never free motion quilted before, so I need all the beginner tips that I can get.

Joy McD said...

I've just blogged about this here:

Thanks for coming up with this great idea!

ohiostar5 said...

I am a new follower. Look forward to break out of my "in the ditch and grid" quilting. BettyLou

Gene Black said...

I am hoping we cover how to control the SPEED of the machine (maybe more than just "foot control")
I would also love to cover how to keep the thread from breaking - which is my worst problem when doing free motion.

lynneUSA said...

I am joining as well -- can this be done on a long arm or is it aimed at normal machines ?

Tammy said...

I have several quilt tops that are just sitting there waiting for me to get the courage to quilt! I have quilted about 4 items and know it is just practice practice...but I get so nervous getting started!

Crowing Moon said...

I cant wait to see this :) I just found your site through a friend and I was just writing in my own blog recently my free motion quilting lets me down a bit...look forward to any tips you can give.

luv2sew said...

I would love to join your "Quilt Along" I have only done "stitch in the ditch" I would enjoy learning anything more.
Darlene in PA

Tammy said...

I am a follower...beautiful work!

Anonymous said...

This is a great idea. I am excited to join in on the fun.

Anonymous said...

I blogged about this at

Anonymous said...

I just added you to my bloglines reader. Thanks for hosting this quilt along. I have been quilting for a while, but free motion is still one of my biggest weaknesses. I can't wait to learn more.

Simone de Klerk said...

This looks very interesting! I am always in for something new and the free motion quilting is definitely new for me. So, that is what I would love to see in this quilt along.

Charlene S said...

I became a follower of your blog and put a button on my blog for the free motion quilt along.

Charlene S said...

In this quilt along, I just would like to know how to move smoothly. So many instructors say so many things. I would like to learn a way that suits my large clumsy hands.(1)

Charlene S said...

I let the world know that I was going to participate in this blog (3)

paulette said...

My goal is to NEVER have to stitch in the ditch EVER again!! Thanks for doing this!! Yes I want to join!! Paulette

paulette said...

I have become a follower!! ;o) Can't wait to start!!

Anonymous said...

I would love to learn some new free motion techniques. I have been doing free motion quilting for about a year and just very recently started trying other things than stippling. I am so looking forward to this. If you could cover flowers that would be wonderful. I love the look of them on cute baby girl quilts.

Anonymous said...

I now follow your blog and am so looking forward to the quilt along.

SewCalGal said...

I posted about your free-motion quilt along and giveaway on my blog ( Looks like we'll have a nice group to join the fun of FMQ. Thanks for coordinating this.


paulette said...

I have blogged about your quilt-along and put your button on my side bar and linked it back to you!! Thanks so much for doing this!!

Anonymous said...


Colleen said...

I became an "official" follower, but have really been following for a long time.

Colleen said...

I am an intermediate machine quilter. I just want to learn new designs and learn how to do it better

Patty said...

I would love to learn free motion quilting

Pamela said...

Very excited about this, I have been wanting to learn more about free motion quilting

The Wifeyness said...

As a novice, I'm hoping you cover how to join the quilt sandwich, and how to do a, lack of knowledge. Pretty bias edging? I've seen people call it "tape", but basically attaching a border that'll look good.

Also, what's the big dif between poly & cotton batting?

The Wifeyness said...

Following you, too!

DianeY said...

I'm so excited to have just found your blog. I recently started FMQ and can do a decent job meandering after lots of practice & 3 large quilt tops. Now I want to learn more!

DianeY said...

So of course, I just became a follower!

Mary in MI said...

This is my first time ever commenting on a blog. I love machine quilting.I need LOTS of practice. Working with you'all could help me refine my designs. I worry about getting caught in corners (a lot).

Tom said...

This is just what I was looking for! Thanks for doing this! I am stuck in a rut of either stipple quilting or straight line, and I need to branch out!
I am now following your blog!

Gena's Garden said...

I am a follower :)

Thanks for the awesome giveaway!


Carol said...

just became a follower on google reader after seeing this on another blog--sorry I cannot remember who. this will be so fun! can't wait to start. I have a small flannel top just waiting.

Carol said...

I am hoping you cover how to 'grasp' or hold on to the piece for quilting. I cannot seem to hold on to the sandwich well and feel like I have control.

Cheryl Warren said...

this is a great idea. I've got a round quilt partly FM quilted and I need to improve my skill. I also quilt on a Pennywinkle frame with a standard home-sized sewing machine, and need more ideas for linear-type patterns for that process.

Gail said...

*looks around* I just made my blogspot, I really look forward to learning how to free motion quilt. I have a butterflies and dragonflies quilt top ( not perfect, it needs to be stretched to get some of the poofs and stuff out lol) I would love to see some butterflies, flowers, and dragonflies. Here is the wonderful link to your fabulous lesson.

Linda said...

This sounds like just what I need! Thanks for taking the time and effort to help out other quilters. I have done a lot of FMQ and it seems that spirals are what I do best, which is great, but I cant seem to stop!! I really would like to be able to do lots of other styles and I think your quilt-along is for me. I would really like to conquer feathers. Thanks again.

Linda said...

Just became a follower.

Linda said...

I posted a link on my blog,

JariJari said...

hello, christina!
I'm here as your new follower

JariJari said...

I just love the idea of quilt along and it's free motion. I have a couple of quilts ready to be quilted.

Quilter Emily said...

I don't tend to branch out much as it relates to fm, squiggles are it for me, so this will be a learning experience!

Becky said...

Quite excited about your quilt-along. I blogged about your exciting blog event on my blog today.

Unknown said...

Told ya it would be a hit! Can't wait for the fun. I've been practicing. (I was always one of those students in school.)

marilyn said...

I am now a follower of your blog!

marilyn said...

I love learning new things about free motion quilting. I'm ready to learn and try new things. I just wish I could get everyone to try out their quilting on all of my quilt tops. I must have 50 of them waiting for quilting :) I work with Binky Patrol and have lots of people helping me make quilts and just not enough time to get them all quilted as them come through, but perfect for something like this. I'm ready to go!!!

marilyn said...

I am posting this on my blog
stop by and see what I'm up to as well :)

Alice said...

This is a great idea--Thank you!!! I would love to learn how to not be afraid. Can you teach that??? I have not gotten away from stippling. L,A-

Linda K said...

Thanks for a chance to win and looking forward to the quilt- along. I have done a little machine quilting, but I really have trouble figuring out the speed and motion co-ordination.

Linda K said...

I'm now a follower on Google Reader! Fingers crossed and ready to start quilting, too.

Sewbig said...

I am a follower.

Sewbig said...

I would like tips to help keep stitch length uniform. Looking forward to the quilt along.

Anonymous said...

I hate, hate, hate quilting my own quilts, so i have no excuse now..! I'd love to see feathers covered... They're sk pretty but look SOOO hard to do!
(jaycadiramen at yahoo dot com dot au)

Anonymous said...

I've just blogged about great contest, and also put your button on my blog.

(jaycadiramen at yahoo dot com dot au)

Anonymous said...

I also follow your blog via RSS... Does that Lunt, or do I have to actually subscribe to posts as well?

Thanks again

Susan said...

I am an absolute novice so any advice will be well received! I just hope I can give myself the time to achieve something!

Susan said...

And I am now a loyal follower!

Susan said...

And now I am grabbing that button and adding it to my blog!

bernie said...

Count me in too. I posted a link at my fairly new blog. I have been doing practice free motin pieces on small scrap fabric squares and recently put together a quicky quilt cause I want to try to do a real quilt. I hope you will cover lots of different things, including thread choices and batting choices. Bernie at sewbernie.blogspot

Gene Black said...

Okay!!! I blogged it too.

sntbosch said...

I've been wanting to learn to free motion quilt! I would love to learn the basics!

Carol J said...

Wow - what a great idea!! I do some machine quilting, but just meandering or straight line stuff. I would love to be able to do more, but always wondered how... I mean with out a long-arm machine. Thank you so much for offering this quilt-along! I hope that I can keep up with the class because of a crazy work schedule :-) See you in the sewing room!!

Carol J said...

Christina, I am now following your blog on My Yahoo.

Laura said...

I have tried free motion and just throw my hands up in the air, sometimes gloved hands...sometimes not. I have a Singer machine, nothing special and a few years old, and when quilting anything bigger than a pot holder the stitches do not stay uniform when I am quilting. I really want uniform free motion quilting stitches...HELP...

Jeanne said...

I do mostly straight stitch quilting because I am not confident enough to do free motion. I have never been artistic and don't feel comfortable enough to just go with the flow. Everyone claims it's easy but not for me. I need a line to follow or I'm lost. About the only thing I can do is loops.
I would especially like to learn where to actually place the quilting. If I've done an applique quilt, I don't know how to do the quilting. Do I outline the shapes? Do I do quilting within the applique piece? What about when there's a center panel with a preprinted design? How do you deal with that?
As you can tell, I need help!

manos de chicureo said...

I'll take your button to my blog and I'll be a happy follower.

Polly said...

I am sooooo in!! I hope you will include free motion feathers in the quilt along!! Polly

Polly said...

I already am a follower!! Come follow my blog!! Polly

Polly said...

I added your button to my side bar and have blogged about your awesome quilt along!!
I can't wait! Polly

Mary on Lake Pulaski said...

I hope you will cover where to start when quilting a queen size quilt on a standard sewing machine.

Mary on Lake Pulaski said...

I'm a follower!

Colleen said...

I'm a new follower and have wanted to learn FMQ for years but when I try on my own, it just doesn't look good. I hope to learn some techniques so I can enjoy the quilting process more.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Hmm, would be good if I put my brain in gear before posting. (vbg)

I am such a beginner when it comes to free motion that I thought it would be wonderful to join you just so I can gain a little confidence. I think this is just wonderful. :o)

Joyful Quilter said...

How fun! I'm a follower.

Jacque. said...

I would love to expand on my free motion quilting! I am not quite confident enough to try new things, so am looking forward to this! Count me in!

Joyful Quilter said...

Any recommendations for the center of sampler blocks?

Anonymous said...

I am now "following" your blog. I'm excited to learn and thankful for your sharing. :o)

Ranch Wife said...

Well it looks like you have generated that interest! LOL! Count me in. I am making too many quilts to have them all quilted. I NEED to learn to this myself! Thank you for offering this...I'm looking forward to your posts!Looks like you've added lots of followers - do you feel like you're being stalked yet? LOL! You may have created a monster! Thank you for the fun give-away! THat is very generous!

hawghugger said...

Count me in. This will be my 1st quilt along and I am looking forward to learning and doing more designs. What I would like to learn, better control of my stitches.

Mama Pea said...

Hello, I think this is a great idea and I am going to try to go along with you. I've never done a quilt along, and I've only done a small amount of free-motion quilting. It's something I've really been whining about for a while and need to work on it. I am hoping you will cover how to select your quilting design. This seems to be a real hang up of mine and it stops me dead in my tracks for getting things quilted. I would also like to see some discussion on the kinds of threads one should and shouldn't use for free motion quilting. Thanks so much!

Mama Pea said...

I am a new follower.

Mama Pea said...

Blogged about it and added your button here:

Linda D said...

I'm also a new follower. I'm really excited about getting more info on quilting. Rather than mess up a top, I'm going to do a wholecloth type quilt. Anything past stippling and I get nervous, so I'm sure I'll benefit from this! Thanks so much for offering it.

Anonymous said...

I would love to know how you keep tucks and unwanted folds from developing on the backing as you quilt. That would be a plus. I use spray and even pin the edges and STILL get folds. I hope your free motion lessones will cover this nasty little trate of quilting. Thanks a lot and hope you have a great day.

Terri at the Drake's Nest ins Ossineke, Michigan

Anonymous said...

... and here is my post referring to your Free Motion Quilt a Long. ;o)

Thanks again!

Eileen said...

this is something i'd really like to do. i've done one sewing machine quilted baby quilt just recently and had a lot of fun doing it--but found it stressful, too! i'd like to learn how to make my stitches more even. 50+ years ago my mom send me a long, long strip of material with a "letter" on it to me when i was at girl scout camp. she sold and demonstrated sewing machines and did that at work. it is still a precious possession

Eileen said...

i am now a follower and so excited to have this opportunity to learn how to do this well.

Crafty Girl Creations said...

What a great idea for a quilt along! I am happy to participate in this!! I have only done a little bit of FMQ, and it was mainly an all over stipple, and some leaves and swirls. There is so much I would like to learn! Feathers would be on the top of my list, but also everything to prepare your quilt to choosing the quilting design!

Crafty Girl Creations said...

I am a follower of your blog!

Eileen said...

i have seldom blogged about someone else's post/giveaways, etc, but just had to blog about yours because i'm so excited and want to let others know about it. i want so badly to feel confident about free motion quilting!! here's my blog post:

MoeWest said...

I love this opportunity to improve my free motion quilting. I'm fairly new to quilting, so any advice will be welcome. Practice is what I need.

MoeWest said...

I'm following your blog now.

Anonymous said...

I hope you cover how to wrangle big quilts well enough to free-motion quilt them. Like a king:-)
I LOVE big quilts! They never get quilted tho:-(

sew1096 said...

This is such a great idea and so nice of you to do for us. I've done basic quilting but I'm still afraid to try free motion. I'm hoping this will give me the courage to try.

sew1096 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
sew1096 said...

I'm now a follower but I can't post to a blog. I wouldn't know how to make one let alone keep one going.

Regina said...

Following along now.

Regina said...

I always struggle with where to start - and transitioning from one area to the next...especially if I am planning to change motif. Very intimidating - and usually causes me to talk myself out of FMQ and back to my straight line fall back.

Dana Gaffney said...

I'm excited about this, I've just started branching out with hearts and flowers, but I would love to learn anything. My next attempt will be feathers, but so far fear has held me back.

Dana Gaffney said...

I've become a follower.

Sarah Vanderburgh said...

I love this idea. I need to learn about what threads to use, getting the tension right on my machine, and I'm also interested in what to do with your threads when you stop. Count me in! Off to blog about this. Thanks for being so generous with your talent and time.

Sarah Vanderburgh said...

Here is the link to my blog post spreading the news about your wonderful quilt along:

Thanks again!

Maggie Szafranski said...

I'm a scrappy 50 something nurse practitioner who is always looking to learn new tricks!

Lotta said...

This is exactly what I need!! I hope you cover the different errors that seem to occur every time I try like long stitches, birds nest underneath and how to change thread so it looks nice.
I'm a follower through Google Reader
Lotta in Sweden

Lisa - Garden Gate Quilting said...

would love to see starting and stopping (and what to do with those thread tails) covered!

Caroline in NH said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Caroline in NH said...

I deleted my original comment in order to leave three separate comments as specified in the post (which I saw when I read it through again.)

I need to learn to do something other than stitch in the ditch. I have no idea why that scares me so much. Sounds like a fabulous idea to work on a piece that's not intended to be someone's gift - just what I need!

Caroline in NH said...

I have become a follower, and also added you to my Bloglines, so that I don't miss any posts!

Caroline in NH said...

I posted about your quilt-along on my blog at The picture came out right, too, so I guess that has been fixed.

Alberta said...

I'd love to follow the quilt along in hopes in getting me out of my rut...I can't seem to do RANDOM without a struggle...I want things to be symmetrical! I hope I'm entered in your give away.

Alberta said...

I just signed on as a new follower...this is going to be so exciting! :)

Cheryl M. said...

Great Idea, I love to free motion quilt on my DS. I would love to see how you decide on what designs to use and do fill stitches around different applique.

Cheryl M. said...

I just subscribed as a follower.

Laine said...

I am so happy I happen to come across your blog at this time. I only have tried to FMQ a few times with not good results. I too hope you start at the beginning as I would love to learn how to do this.

Laine said...

I just signed up to be a follower.

Cassy said...

This sounds like fun, but definitely out of the norm for me. I'm a cautious quilter in that I pretty much just do in the ditch quilting. It scares me to have to pull out all those stitches if I mess up.

Nancy said...

Make sure this is a "Free-Motion Quilting for Dummies" course! LOL! This is such a great idea - thanks!

pinsandneedles said...

I could use practice with my free motion quilting and new ideas (I generally use templates). I will be following along! Thanks!

Dayle Yates Harris said...

I am so looking forward to this.... Can't wait....

Juliana S said...

I tried free motion quilting and really enjoyed it, but am totally looking forward to more ideas. Thanks for doing this.

rosemagnificent said...

What a GREAT idea...thank you so much!

Debbie Lou said...

Thank you so much for the quilt-a-long. I have tried free motion quilting, but have troubles with the bulk and keeping my stitches smooth and even. I'm excited to learn your techniques. Can't wait!

Debbie Lou said...

I am pleased to be a follower of your blog. Thanks for sharing!

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