July 19, 2011

Let's say this is for the toddler

Purchased at a kid's store on Mississippi.  It's this.

Reminds me of Jessica's project.  They also make bigger ones. With triangles. Not sure I'll be able to resist!

P.S. Thanks for the heartwarming response to the call for quilt blocks! A few dozen are promised, and some are already in the mail to me from near and far. This is going to be a great project thanks to you. To borrow a phrase from Rachel, quilters rock!


Jessica said...

oooh, i need one of those!

Dora, the Quilter said...

If you like working with 60-degree triangle based patterns, you'd love playing with Pattern Blocks. I bought wooden ones for my daughter about 15 years ago for less than $25--probably more expensive now, and they also come in plastic, which aren't nearly as much fun to play with. In our state almost every elementary classroom has one or more sets in their math manipulatives. I still love playing with them!

Suzanne said...

I love toys that meet my needs and theirs. :-)

Amber said...

Ya I bought that "for my toddler" too:)

Susanne said...

I have a square shaped puzzle with different length rectangles in my first-grade class. I love when they have trouble packing it up at clean-up time. Me-"Let me help. Could we try it like this?" You can make the best designs!

Sharon said...

I am a teacher and I have those blocks in my classroom for use in math class.
Quilts are tessellations and the use of the repeated pattern is great way to show kids that math is in everything we do.

Wonderful blocks - SEW beautiful.

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