I am a fidgeter who has a three day conference ahead of her. I can hardly sit still for a two-hour meeting, so I tremble whenever I have to sit down for a whole day. My answer to this conundrum is to keep my hands busy: English paper piecing to the rescue! And of course, I had to go design my own thing.
I love it already. Each of the ring units should finish around 14 inches. Big and bold! The mock up is only to get an idea of the pattern. It will have more rings for a (60+ by 70+) throw quilt.
This is the first time I've felt really excited about paper piecing. I can't wait to get to the airport and then stitch stitch stitch for three days.
Since I've gone and calculated yardage and finished size and exactly how I'm going to go about it all, I'm halfway to a quilt along, and I'd love to take you with me. Anyone else want to try this pattern? You may not get to see my finished quilt any time soon, but I'll get all the important steps out of the way up front so you can finish yours without me. Can't wait to cut up some fabric!
I'm stuck on what to call it. It changes twice a day. Glimmer? Starshine? Iris? I can't pick. Please point me in the right direction.
P.S. I just learned that some people like to read blogs by email. If that sounds like you, there's now a little box on the right side of the screen that will let you enter your email address to get automatic email updates any day I post something new.
Pretty but I don't do that type of work. So no quilt along for me.
I would love to try! I do the classic rosettes and have not yet ventured to any other shapes and the words "big and bold" caught my attention. So will be watching for up dates. As for a name, i thought of morning glory! Sun is just coming up here and it is beautiful. Made me pine for those mornings in summer when all is fresh and beautiful and WARM. Morning glories are open just as the sun appears. Looking forward to your next post. Oh and hope you get through your meeting. I can totally relate!
I like your design, and I'd love to try it out, if I can manage the time. I'm heading off to a two-day conference right now. I usually can't stitch during my meetings....people don't consider it acceptable behavior. But I brought some to work on tonight in the hotel. :-)
Hmmm....as far as a name.....it sort of reminds me of cogs more than stars. It cold be called "Busy work." Haha. Since it's like cogs and you're going to take it with you to keep your hands busy. :-)
Suggestion for a name ... how about rolling along. It'll sure keep you busy..
I like your design and would like to try it if I could use plenty of time on it :) So I'll keep an eye on your blog. Name? Coronets. I see fairytale princesses swirling around in their glittering coronets .....
I hope you will enjoy your conference now!
I love the design! I would love more details on it! I love Anne-Lise's name idea, Coronets, Crown, lol... i could see my girls fighting over this "princess" blanket.
very pretty design - have fun working on it
Thanks for writing a quilting blog that's different. Even though I will never machine quilt, I always enjoy your entries. I think your new design is tumbling blocks reworked and I suggest you include that in your design name. I like to unfocus at it and see the blocks appear! Again, thank you! from Margaret, also in Portland
I'm loving doing paper piecing ~ I'd love to do a quilt along with you!
oh! I love it~
count me in for a QAL, i have a weakness for epp.
Are the big hexies just one piece, or are they made up of diamonds?
Very nice design. Diamond Rings!
I would Quilt Along, Christina! Heather showed me some hexie tips at the last all day sew and now I'm a little obsessed with the English paper piecing. I used to hate handwork but now I'm really liking it.
Glimmer sounds good! Especially if you will be using jewel tones in the mix....
Glimmering Crowns...?? Great design! I would jump into a quilt along, but I've already got alot of hand-piecing to do. Looking forward to your first completed crown!
Lovely design! I like starshine :)
Yes yes yes!!! I'd love to see how that's done.
I would love to try it! It looks like a great design! BUt--I have never done this type of piecing--so I will really need directions! LOL
Looks like fun! I sketch during meetings (especially conference calls) but I am not at the point of bringing handwork. Yet.
I logged how it looks, cant wait to see it in fabric.
LOVE IT. Can I play with you too? This looks like a great project for my evenings while my machine hangs out in my closet! (Too much reno dust for it to come out and play right now).
You did a great job (you always do!!) designing this project, I cannot wait to see how yours turns out!
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