But today, folks! Today I don't look like a weirdo who can't throw things away. No! Today I am the wizard who knew there was life in those little scraps. Today I'm the mad genius who cobbled them into a franken-wristlet. Today rocks.
I joined my little pieces into panels using 1" strips. I ended up not needing all the pieces, so I suppose that means I'll be making another one!
It's the first time I've gone all the way with using a clasp for the strap, it's not hard at all and it makes the bag look so classy. Or, it would have made the bag look so classy if I'd taken a little more time making the corners look good. Ah well, sleep is important too.
Thanks all for the delighted comments about using a print fabric for FMQ practice. I'm glad you think it's a good idea, too! The random number generator chose #10, Terri Hessler, to receive that pretty fat quarter of "Koi scalloped edge". Happy stitching everyone.
Hooray for me! My "unstalkering" has been rewarded; there may be no stopping me now.
Another great idea with this wristlet. Now I can save those quilted scraps with no guilt!
Thanks x2!
Visit Bonnie Hunter's quiltville.com for all kinds of free patterns using scraps. I've used a lot of mine in the crumbs quilt, and string blocks. Makes for free quilts for charity.
Not weirdo----genius. The wrist strap just takes the project up a notch, very nice.
What a great idea....and I am thinking that practice quilt sandwiches could be chopped for use this way too- just chop out the good pieces!
Great idea. The quilting really makes it something special.
This is adorable! Who would think it was made from scraps :)
I like a lot. Great job.
Hugs from Spain
Love your scrappy wristlet ~ you are so clever!
Nothing 'Franken' about that cute little zipper bag.
Genius! And Gene Black, I had that same thought about practice sandwiches!
Very pretty.
I also want to congratulate you for your book which I received today. Very inspiring, I like it because it has all those small quilted projects which make it so different from the most books that cover the art of quilting -- it is very special, I love it!
How cute is that? I love this idea and will probably be making some of my own!!
I love this idea. Thank you for sharing. I have a top of scraps! :)
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