January 06, 2011

Bike gear shirt

I took a shirt and made it cooler for my husband.

I used freezer paper stencils that I made by tracing some photos of chain rings. The only hard part was cutting precisely around all those teeth.

I really like the final result. A bike enthusiast friend suggested that I should have just spray painted over actual chain rings. I hadn't thought of that, but I don't think my husband would have approved of that approach.

Hard to get a good picture of the whole thing. He was really pleased with this one. Freezer paper stencils are so easy, why don't I do it more often?


Kay Lynne said...

I think that is a really neat idea!

Marie said...

Great work on the shirt. Thanks for sharing.

Shelley said...

That's an awesome shirt and a great idea!

Melissa said...

I can see my son wearing this:) What a great way to alter a shirt!!!

Sarah Craig said...

Very cool!!

Mama Pea said...

That is very cool! Very creative, and it turned out great!

beth said...


Amy said...

very nice!!

Bia, from Brazil said...

That´s clever!

Helen said...

Love this shirt and technique. You did a wonderful job.

Eat Sleep Quilt said...

kewl shirt! I think if you had used actual gears the spray would have gone under the edges, you did a great job.

I've used freezer paper to make small bits to quilt around, like hearts and bunny rabbits.


Cherri said...

OK, now, that is cool! Really!

Cheri said...

That would be a good idea for a guy's quilt. Thanks.

Michele Bilyeu said...

Highly creative! And wow...one could buy thrift shop shirts and do all kinds of similar techniques...you could go into business ;) Thanks for a super cool idea!

grandmarockton said...

Really cool!

CharlotteP said...

Great idea!!

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