January 13, 2012

This is for real

I'll try my best not to choke you with punctuation, but it's hard because.... I designed my first fabric! Do you see how giant these "selvage" dots are? Some are almost an inch across!

I thoroughly examined my collection of selvages to try and insert all sorts of charming quirky details. I had a yard of it printed at Spoonflower. Now, do I make crazy lots of stuff with it or just admire it in this state forever?

I feel so happy seeing it. I made it on the iPad one sleepless night, inspired by Suzanne's comment on this post about "selvages on steroids".

I think I'd like the print on a smaller scale too so I'm going to resize it and print some of that on Spoonflower as well. This first one is already on sale here if you love selvages too!


Jan Maree said...

That is hysterical! I love it!!!

Marg said...

Wow what a fantastic idea. Absolutely love it.

Michele said...

Absolutely wonderful!

Gramma Quilter said...

So fun! To design! Taking your quilting journey to a whole new level. Hope you will design some more.

Suzanne said...

Christina, I could not be more giddy over this fabric! It is absolutely amazing. I LOVE it!

Susan said...

Oh my gosh...I LOVE it!

Gene Black said...

Love it, how is the quality of the fabric they are printing on these days?

✾Jamie Lee Cooley✾ said...

That is the coolest thing ever!

Gill said...

What fun!!
I love it!

DianeY said...

Love it!!!!!!

tvbleak said...

Christina, what a neat idea, I love it! And to think all I do is play games on my iPad. :^D

Katie said...


Moda really should make selvedge fabric. . yes, it wouldn't be the "selvedge" but that would sell like hotcakes I'm sure of it!!!

Marcia Mersky said...


Pétra said...

I love it!!

Trails of Grace said...

You are on to some thing!! AWESOME! Getting me some!

Debbie said...

I love it, Christina!

Jules said...

love it! what an awesome idea.

Mama Pea said...

That is really great. I love it! Very clever of you! I know I'd have a hard time using it....but you can get more, right?!

justacraftymother said...

Awesome!! Love it, and would love it on a smaller scale too. How does one go about getting there designs printed out into fabric?

Rosa said...

Fabulous.I love it.

Unknown said...

That's awesome! Love it!

Linda Beth said...

How fun, Christina! Great job!

Kay Lynne said...

Neat idea Christina!

Sharon M said...

This is so cool! Saving the selvage is like an addition. With this maybe I can save me from myself!!

dls said...


Auntie Pami said...

Excellent! I would still make a purse.

Gail Lizette said...

What a great idea ~ super fun design!

Unknown said...

I love your fabric! You go girl!

Sand and Sunshine said...

love it, it hopefully it will sell like hot cakes.

Mussipitz said...

I never ordered before at spoonflower... but this makes me give it a try...

Jill said...

AWESOME! Question for you.. what does the selvage look like on that fabric???

Anonymous said...

this is totally awesome - where can i buy some?

Kate said...

What program do you use on your iPad to design? Would love some tips since I just got an iPad.

Anonymous said...

I loved it!

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