May 01, 2013

How I like to use my iron


Outback Crafter - Debra said...

oh too true. This happens in my house too.

Laura said...

Oh, this made me chuckle so this morning! I am forever doing this...trying to multitask and completely forgetting where I started in the first place! Great post!

Sweet blessings from Maine!
Laura said...

Yes! If I push on the iron really hard while it's still cold, it'll still work, right?

tvbleak said...

You mean I am not the only one that does that?! Thanks for keeping me company. :^D

Gene Black said...

LOL....yes that auto shutoff is annoying when I do that! (and it is often)

Barbara Arcement said...

That is exactly how I use my iron. LOL

KatieQ said...

I feel as though you are looking through my window.

Kathleen said...

Oh this is SO ME!! Thank you for the morning chuckle ;)

Jess @ Scrappy n Happy said...

Haha! That is so true!

Elsa said...

I do that too ~ so funny.
I have to say that I got an iron that I can set so it doesn't turn off ~ it's a Reliable and it's orange! Got it at Fabric Depot.

Suzanne said...

Amen, that's my story too!

I channeled you and your onesies, twosies quilting tip last week when I was stippling for a friend. I tell you, that's the best advice ever. Hope life in your world is going well.

Kati from Kati's Quilting said...

Ahh, how many times it happens to all of us, it's so true! Specially step 2! :))))

Cheryl's Teapots2Quilting said...

You use an iron like I do. I hate auto shut off. It always shuts off about 2 minutes before I need to use the iron again.

Pat said...

You are too funny! I've done that many many times myself. Love your stick figures!

Tiffany said...

Hahaha! I love it.

Paulette said...

Too funny! And so true...which is exactly why my new (auto-shutoff) iron is still in the box and I'm limping along with my old one which stays on all the time.

Anonymous said...

I am right there with you all! I'm looking for a new one today. I could smell something that smelled like burning rubber. Finally nailed it down to coming from the sole plate of the iron after crawling on hands and knees checking all the cords and plugs I have plugged in. Frustrating beyond all words!

McIrish Annie said...

done that, done that, done that, a 1000 times! so annoying

Becky said...

Ha! My iron doesn't shut off, so I turn it on, then sometimes get distracted and come back into my room half and hour later and it's still on :-O.

Karee said...

oh my heck! giggle, giggle. c'est moi!

AmandaK@whatthebobbin said...

So true!

Frog Quilter said...

Get one without auto shut off!

Mama Pea said...

This is why I bought one without auto shut off. ;-)

Dolly said...

too funny, and too true !

Luz2Quilt said...


Colleen said...

You have been watching me in my sewing room - I do this all the time! Thanks for my laugh of the day.

Suz J said...

Seriously, you need to get this printed on to a T-shirt... you'd sell millions :0)

StaroftheEast said...

This is so funny!

Fiber Babble said...

110% True.

And it's so difficult to find irons that don't have auto shut-off these days :-(

Linda in Arkansas said...

LOL! Oh I've done that so many times. Now my iron heats super quick. I'm very happy with it.

Faye Nettles said...

Have you been watching me?

Hitch and Thread said...

Oh, so Funny! This is my life!

Linda Beth said...

LOVE this! And I would have to agree with so many previous comments... I spent so long trying to find an iron without auto shut-off... the temp dial has broken its little plastic bits, but I've kept it TAPED ON at the cotton/linen setting. Wonderful illustrations, too!

Charo said...

Jajajaja. I do just the same, I'm glad I'm not the only one!!!

Laura said...

This is so true. I have a cordless iron and it is exactly like this

lindaroo said...

Ha ha ha! Such a universal complaint! But I cant do without that automatic shut-off. I tried an iron without it, and ended up with a hole burned through my ironing board cover when I forgot to turn it off overnight. Yipes!

ChrisW Designs said...

LOLLLL.....Now I know I am not alone!
ChrisW Designs

Charlotte Scott said...

I'm with Suz - that's worthy of a t-shirt!

ann said...

Yep, added another one to the 'me too' list

GranthamLynn said...

Hilarious. I hate auto shut off. Thanks for sharing this. It made me smile. I came by after googling you from a pinterest post on
fmq tutorial. Haven't found it yet. Enjoying my visit.
Have a great rest of the week.

What Comes Next? said...

you've been watching me!

Sadie said...

so funny

Nancy said...

Exactly right. I thought it was my age.... I've left my iron on for days before so I can't risk not having auto shut-off but it sure is a challenge sometimes. If only it would heat in 5 seconds!

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