December 23, 2014

FMQ Weekly: Topography Quilting Design

There are two videos in this post, one at the top and one at the bottom!!

You have to try this. It is so fun!

I know it looks complicated. It isn't. It's basically an adaptation of all over spirals (below). If you have ever quilted all over spirals you should do just fine with this design. And if you've haven't done all over spirals, this is even easier! Because all over spirals have to be round but this design is more blob-by. 

So here's your recipe:

a. Start with a wiggly spiral
b. Come back out of the wiggly spiral
c. Echo around the outside of the spiral, come back and start your next wiggly spiral wherever you like. 

What is nice about this design is the way it's so easy to deal with tight spaces between spirals.  See how you can just sneak in and out of a tight space? 

How about several minutes of me stitching this design? Here's a video!

And here's the texture side. 

See you next week! We're off to enjoy some gingerbread house making. Hoping there is peace and joy in your homes right now...


BillieBee (billiemick) said...

Thanks for the video. Merry Christmas.

Casandra said...

Can't wait to try this, thanks!

DianeY said...

This looks fun! I'm busy practicing some of the designs from your most excellent Craftsy class and I'll have to add this! Thanks for posting it!

Elsa said...

Amazing ~ makes me think of water currents! Wishing you a very lovely Holiday!

Lucy Daniel said...

What a cool and fun FMQ design! Will be using it on my grandson's Paw Patrol quilt. Thank You for sharing. Merry Christmas

bumblebee53 said...

I love how this looks with light thread on the orangey red fabric - thanks for taking the time to make this tutorial, complete with sketches, a video, and lots of encouragement and enthusiasm. Merry Christmas to you and yours!

Jackie's Stitches said...

I am really enjoying this series! Love the look of this design.

Angie in SoCal said...

wonderful to have found your blog. Merry Christmas!

Vicki said...

Christina, I am so thankful that you are willing to share (teach) us about FMQ. I have learned so much from you and have gotten much more brave with trying new designs. Have a wonderful, blessed Christmas.

Charo said...

I love the way you explain FMQ, your pictures and your videos, they are so clear that I can't wait to try !

Thanks so much, Chirstina and Merry Christmas!

Cumberland Valley said...

I just discovered you posts thanks to another blogger and her bragging about your books and classes. I'd love to receive your blog, but my email address doesn't appear in the "comment as:" I'd like to comment as Valerie in TN not Cumberland Valley. That's my guild's name. Please also register me for the book drawing. Thanks.

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