February 10, 2011

Go around again!

Three years ago I felt very lonely as a quilter. I wasn't having much luck connecting with like minded experimental quilters through my LQS. In a fit of hope I started this little blog. Fun fact: my very first commenter was Tonya of Lazy Gal Quilting. That just totally warms my heart.

First slowly, and then quickly, I found myself connected, online and face to face, with impassioned, inspiring quilt artists. You make me look normal instead of obsessive. You give me goals and ideas and challenges.  I'm looking forward to going around again with you this coming year.

To celebrate, how about we give away that Accuquilt GO! cutter I've been talking about forever?

I'd like to draw two winners: One gets an Accuquilt GO! and one die of their choice. The other gets two dies of their choice. That way if you've already got a GO! cutter you can play too. And yes, international entries are welcome. Thank you so much Accuquilt for this great giveaway!

To enter the drawing, leave a comment below telling me whether you're entering for the GO! or the two dies and ALSO tell me about a book you'd recommend for little ones 2 and up. I'm trying to get out of this Go, dog. Go! rut we're in and learn about some obscure books we might not find on our own. 

Entries welcome through February 14th. I'll pick the winners by random number generator. If I don't have your email address I can't contact you about winning though, so if you're one of those no-reply commenters (or if you're not sure) you should leave your email in your comment.


kelly said...

what a great giveaway! i don't have an accuquilt cutter. but i would like one.

book rec... my mother-in-law just gave us 'llama llama, mad at mama', which is pretty darn cute.

BubzRugz said...

Thanks Christina for the chance to own one of these wonderful gadgets... I am entering for the Go Cutter....
I love Ferdinand the Bull... I think it lasts a lifetime... and teaches several things...

SewHappyGeek said...

That's awesome, Congrats! I'd love the accuquilt and would give it to my little sister who's just started sewing.

Jocelyn said...

Oh wow, this could easily be my commentary. You have certainly gained a wonderful following. It's been a while since I have read to anyone two and older, but I remember a wonderful book and I think the title was "Please Don't Sneeze". We would check it out of the library and it was really fun and cute. I'd love to add a GO! to my quilting tools. Thanks for a fabulous giveaway :-)

Charlotte Scott said...

I just commented but I think it disappeared into the ether. So delete this if it appears twice!

What a fantastic giveaway, I'd love an Accuquilt GO but you won't want to be posting it to NZ - scary postage costs!

The Hairy Maclary series by Lynley Dodd (a NZ writer) are very sweet. And I've just thought of one that is probably better for 3-5 year olds and older but, knowing your profession, would appeal to you: "Mummy laid an egg". Can't remember author, but it made me really giggle!

Lisa Bee said...

Fabulous giveaway! I'd take the GO! and one die.

The post by the first commenter reminded me of a book I have.. part of a llama series, maybe? The one I have is llama, llama, red pajama. I also highly recommend a book that has a title like "Hundreds of cats" - the "refrain" for the book is "hundreds of cats, thousands of cats, millions and billions and trillions of cats!"

Manda said...

Great giveaway. I don't have a Go! but appreciate the chance to get one!

Books.. I used to like the Large family books by Jill Murphy Large I think my favourite was all in one piece. Or Burglar Bill or The Jolly Postman by Janet & Alan Alberg. I love childrens books I could go on forever! Still have most of mine and I can't wait for me niece to get big enough to read to properly!

Laurie in Maine said...

I'm making my first drunkard's path pattern and found out there's die cutters for that. Oh, I so wish I had one of them to use :)
My favorite books when the girls were little were Junie B. Jones series.

Michelle said...

I would love a go I have tried to win one many times, maybe this time I'll be lucky! Thanks for the chance.
Enjoy your weekend

Jess @ Scrappy n Happy said...

Great giveaway! I haven't got a Go cutter so that's what I'm entering for!
I recommend Robots Pet by Nigel Gray. My 2yr loves it.

Anonymous said...

Trank you for the generous giveaway. Should I be the lucky one, I would go for the futter. My recommendation is" where the wild things are", it fight not be for 2 year sold, but definitely my all time favorite.

Johanna said...

Wow! I would love to enter myself into the drawing for the go cutter.
As for the books for 2yo, I love the ones that have no text at all just a lot of pictures (I think they are the "Where is Waldo" type? Even I still love them...) I can't really recommend other books because most of those are not translated from one language to another and I don't think you want German ones :)

Quiltjane said...

I have entered every GO! competition and never won. Maybe this is my time to shine! I would love the GO! please.My little one loves any book where you have to lift flaps. Spot is always a favourite. I have Go Dog Go embedded in my brain too plus Are you my Mother and Wacky Wednesday.

Melissa said...

Oh boy, I could write a long list of books! But here's just a few....

Monkey and Me
Bear Feels Sick, Bear Feels Scared
The No, David! books
The Big Red Barn
The Napping House
Curious George (we started with board books)
The Five Little Monkeys series

Susan said...

I'd love the Go! But shipping it to Australia might very well break the bank- perhaps if I win I could pay the postage!
Spot bakes a cake by Eric Hill is great, and Mem Fox is a wonderful Australian children's author!

Karen said...

I'd love to win the cutter! My two boys adored "Sleeping Dragons All Around" by Sheree Fitch when they were little. It rhymes, and the words have the most magical rhythm - so fun to read aloud. We all knew it by heart it was read so many times, and would recite it together. Even now, when there is an especially good chocolate cake served at family gatherings, one of us will quote "the cake was D-dragon, Deee-licious; we dance in the kitchen(we don't do the dishes...)" It is D-lightful!

Unknown said...

I love your blog and even printed out instructions on how to quilt pebbles! I would be tickled to receive the accuquilt cutter.

My son enjoyed the following:
"Robot Zot" and "Uh oh Max", both by Jon Scieszka

Regards, Stephanie (chiclet_lux AT yahoo.com)

Terry said...

I'd like to win the two GO! dies please! Thanks so much! My kids are older now but I remember they loved the Froggy book series. :0)

tvbleak said...

Thank you for helping me to be a better free motion quilter. I would like to be entered in the Accuquilter contest.
There are so many wonderful children's books, so I would like to suggest some wonderful children's author's.

Eric Carle
Leo Lionni
Tomie De Pola
Lois Ehlert

Happy reading.

Diane N said...

I'd like to win the GO! dies.
The Monster at the End of this Book is really cute! But it also is kinda repetitive like Go Dog Go! but the kids will love it and it's fun to read.

Gene Black said...

Hi there, I have a GO! Cutter but there are a couple of dies I still would like to have.

A Color of His Own by Leo Lionni
Recommmended baby-preschool

Alexander and the Wind-Up Mouse by Leo Lionni
This is recommended for ages 4-8

My Favorite at a very young age (before these were written) was a "Little Boy Blue" collection of nursery rhymes. I could "read" them all before I started school.

oversewn (Raven) said...

You must must must go get the Zen books by Jon Muth. Zen Shorts is the BEST!!!!

I would love to win an accuquilt!

Cheri said...

I'd love to win the Go Cutter! My 30 yo daughter still talks about her favorite childhood book Where the Wild Things Are. Thanks for this opportunity.

Tiffany @ Another Pie In The Sky said...

I'd love to win the Go Cutter! I'd recommend "Is Your Mama a Llama," "Princess and the Pea," or maybe "If You Give A Pig A Party." ( The last two were recommended by my 6 and 7 year olds.)

Michele said...

Great giveaway. I don't have a cutter, but would like one. "Goodnight Owl" by Hitchens was a favorite in our house.

Suzanne said...

What an awesome celebration giveaway! Id love the go! Cutter.

Book suggestions: The Magic Hat by Mem Fox (She's written a lot and all are great.)
Gossie & gertie books
Goodnight moon (a tried and true favorite)

matate10 said...

I would love to win the Go!! As for a book? The Pokey Little Puppy is my all time favorite.

Melissa Corry said...

I would like to play for the 2 dies :) I love the book Mars needs Moms. In fact, I saw the other day that they are making a movie out of it. It is wonderful (although I cry each time I read it :)

Joyce said...

I'd love to win the Accucut Go. I taught primary school for years and the kids always loved anything by Robert Munsch. Thomas' Snowsuit was the favorite up here in the land of ice and snow.

And this would be . . . . said...

I would love the Go! as I do not have one.

Books. . . any of the Bear Snores On, Bear Stays up for Christmas, Bear feels scared are good but might be a bit old for 2 years.

I like "I love you Through and Through". It goes through the different parts of the body and different emotions. Lets my daughter know that we love her no matter what her mood.

Michele said...

The Go would be so fun! My kids are older, but I remember reading Sandra Boynton's books over and over and over and over.

Barbara said...

I'm going for the door where the Go itself and additional GO! Drunkard's Path-7" is behind

retired childrens librarian here - at that age you cannot go wrong with the younger age set Dr Seuss - repetition of words reinforces vocabulary and patterns - still a fav after all these decades

you have no idea what your blog with your free motion quilting means to me - 5 stars , my dear. On a very limited income and have to quilt my quilts myself - because of you, I have confidence and awesome designs. THANK YOU

Pam said...

Thank you for the opportunity to win a GO! ...I would love to own one. Last year I took your machine quilting tutorial ..it was wonderful!

I loved Dr Seuss when my children were little ...I'm sure there are many new books but I still like the classics.

pinsandneedles said...

What a great giveaway! I would love a chance to win the GO! cutter...don't have one and would really love one.

I love the book 'Goodnight Little Bear' but a great series is all the Bearenstain Bear books. They have a good lesson in them.

Stray Stitches (Linda G) said...

I would love to win the GO! Cutter!!

My girls favorite book growing up was Goodnight Moon by Margaret Brown.

Tiffany said...

Put me down for the cutter!
When I was 3-4 I LOVED the Mercer Mayer books. "I was so mad" was my favorite. I also loved "The Little House" (by Virginia Lee Burton) - I learned my seasons from that book.
There are also a few new books out right now about Russell the Sheep (by Rob Scotton). They are ADORABLE!!!

Anna said...

Thanks for an awesome giveaway!! I would absolutely love to win the GO! cutter. Right now we're reading a lot of other puppy books - Cool Dog, School Dog and Smooch Your Pooch are our 2 yr old favorites!

Jackie's Stitches said...

I'd love to be entered into your giveaway for the dies (2.25 and wedding ring)! My kids are older and no grands yet but you can't go wrong with Dr. Seuss. Young kids love all the rhyming!

Angie said...

I would love the go cutter.

My favorite books are How do dinosaurs say goodnight? And If you give a moose a muffin or any of that series.

Angie Padilla said...

Christina, I want to thank you for including international quilters in your giveaway. Many of us have had that same experience of feeling lonely and isolated. So it is great to be embraced by the wider quilting community. I would like to enter your giveaway for the Go cutter.

A favorite book my daughter grew up with and that I continue to enjoy with my grandchildren is The Napping House, by Audrey Wood. We have the big book version, because on top of the fact that is just a wonderful storybook, the illustrations are out of this world. It looks like you have a lot of books to choose from now!
(angie at ajpadilla dot com)

knitterbocker said...

Oh wow, I would love to have a Go Cutter! I even dream of owning one :-(

My favourite book for little people is "Guess How Much I Love You" by Sam McBratney.

Danielle said...

I'd love the Go! A favorite book of my kids was Elmer the Elephant~ and he is a patchwork elephant, so I love him too!

Audrey said...

I have been following your blog on Google Reader and am in awe of the Go Cutter!

Okay, I have my 18-year-old daughter looking through the bookcase naming some of the lesser known books that were her favorites in childhood:

Corduroy, or A Pocket for Corduroy by Don Freeman
The Jolly Pocket Postman by Janet and Allan Ahlberg (fun book!)
Anything by Elsa Beskow (beautiful illustrations--she is Swedish)
We're Going on a Bear Hunt by Michael Rosen
You've probably heard of If You Give a Mouse a Cookie but all of those are long-time hits in my family favorites
*P.B. Bear's Birthday Party by Lee Davis

David A Carter wrote lots of pop-up books that my kids LOVED. We did have to do some minor repairs but they have lasted for years--good quality paper.

Nonfiction: Look for First Discovery books by Scholastic. They have translucent overlays and surprises from page to page. We learned about frogs and bears.

Thanks for the chance!

grendelskin said...

Of course you're normal - for a quilter! Since I don't have the Go! that would be my choice.

We got less hung up on Go Dog Go! than on Cat in the Hat; my husband can do the entire thing, rap-style, to this day. sigh.

Tedd Arnold was one of our favorites: "No Jumping On The Bed!" and "No More Water in the Bathtub!" got read to tatters. Great fun to read aloud and lots of room for dramatization if you're one of those kill-em-with-slapstick types as I am.

Karen said...

I sure am glad you decided to start your blog and that I found it. It's helped me immensely! I'm looking forward to another year too. The Accuquilt GO! cutter would be amazing to have!

As far as a book goes, my 2 yr. old daughter loves this book:
She carries it everywhere! It was my son's favorite too and was a big hit when he took it into his J-K class and they read it aloud. The teacher loved it too.

beth said...

I'd love to win the Go die cutter! I've been reading "Caps for sale!" over here at my house. There are so many good books!!!

QuiltedSimple said...

I'm finally getting around to catching up - can't believe it's been 3 years already! I'd love the GO cutter, and as for books......Goodnight Moon is a good one and The Goodnight Kiss....have a great day

Debbie said...

Thanks, Christina, for hosting this Go giveaway! I've yet to win one, and if I do, I'd want the one inch strip cutter with it. Thanks for counting me in. Both my daughters read Dr Suess to their two year olds.

Colleen Lunt said...

I would love a Go.

Try "The Jolly Farmer" from Golden Books.

Dolly said...

I might have a go at winning that Go cutter. Thank you !

My favorite book to read with my granddaughter is "Scat, Scat, Go Away Little Cat."

allsewnup said...

I would love to have this time saving tool. So far I can only look and not touch!
My kids loved Puppies in the Snow through Scholastic Books.
Thank you for the chance to win.


scottylover said...

Wow! Please count me in for the Go! cutter. I'd love to have one! :)

I don't have any kids, so the book one will be hard to answer. I remember enjoying "Where the Wild Ones are" when I was little, but that is above 2 yr olds. My favorite little golden book was The Shaggy Baggy Elephant. I saw where you can get fabric with all the little golden books on it now, too! Hope this helps!

Thanks for the chance to win!
Sandy A

Angela D. said...

I'd love to win a GO! Thanks for the opportunity. The Very Hungry Caterpillar is always a good book.

What Comes Next? said...

I'd love to be entered for the GO! cutter, thanks. When my DSD was little she loved all the Robert Munsch books

DianeY said...

I'd love to win the Go-I thought I was the only one who still didn't have one! Not having any little ones any more, not sure about books, but Dr Seuss was always a favorite here

Zonnah said...

I am entering for the GO!
My son really likes 10 little ladybugs.

Debbie said...

I would love to win the GO cutter. When my children were young they enjoyed the books by Bill Martin Jr. Also a book called The Napping House by Audrey Woods.

Elsa said...

I've heard about the GO cutter, but haven't seen it in action. I'd love to have one.
As for little ones books, I always liked 'Goodnight Moon' and so did my son. I read to him a lot when he was small, he had such a great attention span for books.
Thanks for the giveaway!

Megan said...

No need to count me as an entry - just wanted to say that I completely relate to your experience of meeting like-minded crafty people online and in life. I've only really been connected to a crafty community for about a year, so I can't wait to see how everything grows and changes as we all keep on moving forward!

As for books, B loves If You Give a Mouse a Cookie (the illustrations are wonderfully detailed and she's always noticing little tiny details).

Brittany said...

Oh what a fun giveaway. Put me down for the cutter please. Lets see obscure books, now those are right up my alley. The 2 that my nephew is currently enjoying are "Hush, Little Dragon" by Boni Ashburn. It is a take off of the nursery rhyme hush little baby only it is a mama dragon bringing her baby people from the castle to eat. The other is "Jamberry" by Bruce Degen. It is a poem about a boy and bear looking for berries, berries for jam. Hope you find lots of good books for your little one :-)

Fernanda said...

My daughter loves anything my Mo Willems, especially the Piggie and Gerald series. Another fun one is Ted Arnold who writes about Fly Guy.

I'm entering for the cutter. Thanks!

twodraftmom said...

Thanks for the giveaway! I would love to win the cutter! It's been a while but my kids loved 'goodnight moon' and 'if you give a moose a muffin'

Cathie said...

I'd love to win the GO cutter! I don't know any kids books but will ask my friend who owns a bookstore!

SewLindaAnn said...

Good Morning! That's sweet to remember that about Lazy Gal Quilting's comment. I don't have a blog, but one person emailed me that if I do start one to let her know so she can be my first commenter. That kindness stays with you. Anyway, I'm in for the GO. Our favorite books to read my son were Verdi, The Rainbow Fish and The Velveteen Rabbit. Favorite song Little Rabbit FuFu. It's still in my head all these years later.

Sara said...

Don't think I need or want a Go cutter.

"Pat the Bunny" is from my own childhood, and I always give one to new parents. The bunny has a cotton ball tail, and each page has something interesting to touch.

"Horton Hatches the Egg", Dr. Seuss

The poetry book by A.A. Milne; "When We Were Very Young" and "Now We Are Six". My 40-something kids still recite
"James James Morrison Morrison Whetherby George DuPree
took great care of his mother, though he was only three.
James James Morrison Morrison said to his mother, said he,
'Don't ever go down to the end of the town unless you go down with me!'"

Gail Lizette said...

I've never tried a Go-Cutter, BUT... I have been thinking about it for a while. Especially since I've been thinking of making an isosceles triangle quilt ~ I can't imagine trying to cut so many triangles by hand... plus my cutting is never perfect, which translates to the quilt... SO YES! Sign me up for the drawing ~ THANKS!!

Deb said...

I've never tried the Go-Cutter, but I'd like to try. I enjoy reading your blog.

Lee Ann L. said...

I've been wanting one of these GO! cutters for a long time! But, I've got my priorities and it's third or fourth on the list of things I want. And, it takes me forever to save up the money for the items! LOL. :-)

Thanks for giving me a chance to win a Go!. :-)

My favorite Childhood books were "Are You my Mother?" And "The Digging-est Dog". :-)

Nancy said...

I would love to be in the running for the cutter and dies...

I still love the classics...like "Goodnight Moon"...

Caroline ~ TrilliumDesign said...

Thanks for the giveaway. A favorite of my daughters was "Guess how much i love you" by Sam McBratney and for my son it was Building a house by Byron Barton but i'm not sure i can recommend that one (or maybe i just read it once too many times). LOL My son begged me to read that one over and over but even now at the ripe old age of 11 he is pretty fascinated with how things are built. I am entering for either contest. Dies would be 7" drunkards path, equilateral triangles :) Thanks again

Jessica said...

This week we've been reading "Polar Bear, Polar Bear, what do you hear?" by Eric Carle. George (28 mos) loves it because he can "read" the repetitive parts and I love it because it's so cute when he tries to say "boa constrictor". Other favorites are:
Poke-a-Dot 10 Little Monkeys,
Dr. Seuss' Sleep book,
and Fox in Socks where my husband and i try to out do each other with the tongue twisters.

I'd like the Go Cutter, and my fingers are crossed. I think it would get me to use up more scraps if I didn't have to stand and trim them all myself..
thanks for blogging and having the give away~

Regina said...

Would love the cutter as I don't have one yet.

Books for the over 2 set? We LOVE all the Sandra Boynton, Eric Carle, and Leo Leonni books - both to read to our munchkin, and for him to read back to us.

Jennifer said...

I would love the cutter itself! I am a fan of the old books- Blueberries for Sal, If You Give a Mouse a Cookie series. All good.

Four dogs and one quilter said...

What a great giveaway! Already have a GO! machine but would love some new dies. Has been a long time since my children were two, but I still remember reading One Fish, Two Fish by Dr. Seuss.

Jennifer said...

I would love to win the Go!

As for books, any of the "Skippy Jon Jones" books are hysterical.

Jennifer :)

Marcia W. said...

Accuquilt GO! cutter - both my mother and I have difficulty standing and bending to cut fabric so would be an enormous benefit. My grandnieces love Billy Goats Gruff and come close to memorizing all the words. They love to do the clip clop over the bridge noises, mimic a troll, and say "sweet green grass." When we tell them to select a book, that is their goto book. Thanks for the wonderful giveaway. I've enjoyed your GO tuts.

VickiT said...

Ooh I would LOVE to win a Go! Cutter and dies. It sure would be a great help to my wrists which have been weakened from recent surgeries in both. :( Was SUPPOSED to make them better. Nope.

Anyway, you didn't mention whether girls or boys in book recommendations. I can tell you this book was one I gave to my Granddaughter who is now age 3 and she loves it. Their website is awesome too with little videos, parenting tips on reading together and activities too. Fancy Nancy is my recommendation. There are dolls you can purchase too that go along with the book series.
Check the website, especially the parents link.

adnohr said...

I have a go and would love more dies.

I have a 2-1/2 yo, and she loves the Leslie Patricelli board books like "quiet loud" and "Yummy Yucky". Since the words are mostly the same on each page, she gets to tell me a story of what is going on. Often, I just watch her face to know when she's ready for me to turn the page. She does the "reading".

Anonymous said...

I would love to win the GO! And I plan on buying Doctor Seuss for my grandkids. I am looking forward to getting silly with them with the funny things in his books.

Dana Gaffney said...

I would love to win the two dies. My all time favorite children's book is Chicka Chicka Boom Boom by Bill Martin, it's fun for the reader and the child. My daughter is 25 and we still recite it to each other. Wonderful.

adnohr said...

Oh, and one more that I can't believe I forgot. "the very cranky bear" by nick bland. It says it's for 5 yo, but my 2-1/2 yo loves it, especially when we do different voices for the characters. We've had it for at least 9 months and she still wants to hear it several times a week.

Sorry about the double entry but I couldn't edit.

Brenda said...

I'd recommend anything by Eric Carle, who has lovely art and great text, including my favourite, The Very Hungry Caterpillar, books by Phoebe Gilman, especially Something from Nothing. I'd like a shot at the Go cutter. thanks.

Robyn said...

My kids (the eldest is nearly 40) loved Dr Seuss, especially The Cat in The Hat. My Grandchildren love them too.

Thank you for the generous offer.If I am the lucky winner I would love the GO cutter

Di said...

I would love to win the Go cutter. Dr Seuss books are always popular, and Australian author Mem Fox's books for little ones.

Kay Lynne said...

What a great giveaway! I really enjoy following your blog. I'm hoping to finish my free motion quilt along this next month. Thanks for all the work that you put into the project!


A Left-Handed Quilter said...

OK - I'm in for the Accuquilt GO! cutter and die. I can't justify spending so much money to buy one right now - but FREE is GOOD!! I can afford FREE!! Thanks to you and Accuquilt for the opportunity to win one!!

As far as books are concerned - my grandchildren (teenagers now) used to like the books that I made for them from pre-printed fabric book panels. (They are hard to find now ) Their favorite was - "A Silly Coloring and Counting Book". The first page said "1 RED Dog" and had a picture of "1 RED Dog" - the second page said "2 ORANGE Frogs" and had a picture of "2 ORANGE Frogs" - etc. - all the way to "10 CRAZY Critters" (rainbow colored). They were so proud of themselves when they could "read" it to me and they learned their numbers and colors quite quickly. With your quilting talent I'm sure you could come up with something very similar for your little cutie. (Does Accuquilt have a die for numbers?? If not - they should.)

Char said...

I'd like to win the Go Cutter.

My daughter started reading at a very early age. Her favorite authors were Jan Brett, Patricia Polacco and Tomie Depaola. I remember the illustrations in these books being beautiful, especially the Jan Brett books.

webmailaddress2 said...

Please register me for the Accuquilt cutter and die giveaway. The Stinky Cheese Man is a fun book. Given the wintry weather, Katy and the Big Snow is also a fun, classic book.

Rachael said...

well when i was a child me and my brother had this book that we loved, my brother was able to recite it without the book and it was "Balloonia" i thinks its a really good book. and i would love to be entered to win the accuquilt go cutter. thanks

BillieBee (billiemick) said...

I'm so excited another chance at a GO! I'm entering for the go machine and my favorite die is the Rose of Sharon.

Thanks so much!!!

Sally said...

What a great give-away. I hope to win the Go Cutter! Have you thought about sewing a book using your Go Cutter and Dies?
Thank you, Sally

HRH Gigi said...

I think a Go Cutter would be kind of cool. But I really wanted to tell you about a few books we love in this house - Pirates Don't Change Daipers, Heironymous Betts and his Unusual Pets, and The Little Pea, and some classic favorites are Put Me in the Zoo, Make Way for Ducklings, and of course Hop on Pop. My 2 1/2 year old loves them. And I got some great ideas from the other comments. Thank you to everyone!

Janet said...

My kids loved Richard Scarry's Best Word Book Ever. A book of pictures and thousands of words - lots of fun for expanding the vocabulary. I'm entering for the Go cutter.

lindaroo said...

Oh, I'd love an Accuquilt GO! with the drunkard's path die!
Mercer Mayer's Little Critter books, like Just For You, are sweet, and Bad Kitty is a great ABC book!

bunbear said...

i would love to win an accuquilt go cutter, please! goodnight moon one of our favorites at that age.

Sand and Sunshine said...

Congrats on your anniversary! The current favorite here is "Bears in the Night" (by Stan and Jan Berenstain) but growing up my favorite was "I can do it Myself" (Sesame Street). Register me for the Cutter & Die please.

Marie said...

My daughter has read our two year GD from the original tales of Winnie the Pooh from the first night home from the hospital. They read many, many other books, but the day is done when they curl up in the rocking chair and Mommie reads from Winnie the Pooh.

I would love to have the Accuquilt Go Cutter please.

Hugs - Marie

Jezibels said...

I would LOVE LOVE LOVE to win the GO GO GO!
I dream of having one of those! Thank you for this opportunity!

Becky said...

I would love to win the go. Please enter me. Thanks for the chance.

Painting 4 Him said...

I would really love to win the go itself. My favorite book for kiddos is the book called Just In Case You Ever Wondered. It is a wonderful book about how our children are given to us to teach and love.

PDTE said...

Oh wow. this is the easiest comment to leave ever.

The best book is "Wonky Donkey" by Craig Smith & Kaz Cowley. it is absolutely hilarous and enjoyable for kids and adults. It even comes with a cd singing the book.

and I would love the GO cutter if I were fortunate enough to win.

Jean said...

I'd love to win the Go.

I have two grandsons aged 2 1/2 and 5. They love books, period. We found Piggy and Elephant books this summer, and both boys enjoyed them. I am partial to Harold and the Purple Crayon. We found the little one sitting with his arm around our pug "reading" to him when they were here for Christmas. Priceless.

Zegi said...

I would love to win the go cutter! My picks for books - my daughter would recommend Don't let the Pigeon Drive the Bus and my son would probably offer up Captain Underpants but I think you probably aren't ready for that yet ;)

Joyful Quilter said...

I would love to win the GO! cutter...favorite books, hmmm, I've always liked Where the Wild Things Are and Good Night Moon. My all time favorite, but might be quite right for a two year old is My Secret Garden. I re-read it about every 5 years, it is the only book I've ever read more than twice.

Lori S said...

I would love to win a GO! cutter. A favorite group I read to preschoolers is "I love you: A rebus poem" by Jean Marzollo. Thanks for the chance to win!

MWalker said...

The GO! Cutter for me, thanks!

I always liked "If You Give a Mouse a Cookie...", and "Tikki-Tikki-Tembo".

Ellen said...

I would love to win to Go!!!

As far as children's books, try these: I'll love you forever!, No, David, Pigs a plenty, pigs galore, and Imogene's Antlers.

Mama Pea said...

Christina, please enter me in the GO! competition and PLEASE PICK ME! LOL!

book: Hand, Hand, Fingers, Thumb by Dr. Seuss. Elsa LOVED it and still does! And it's one you can read over and over, because it's fun to say!

Vicki @ DottyJane said...

I'd love to win a Go! Cutter!

It's been a while, but my kids loved "Are you my mother?"

Mary said...

I've read so many great things about the Go!Cutter. I think it would be great to have one, especially for some of those odd-shaped pieces - like apple core, winding ways, and tumbler -that I shy away from trying because I don't want to cut them.
One of my all-time favorite children's books is Chicka Chicka Boom Boom. My youngest is now 21, but my kids loved it, and recently I subbed at a preschool and they loved it there, too.

Sandy said...

Please enter me for the Go!Cutter. I've wanted one for sooo long! Thanks for the opportunity to win!=) As for the book, I don't have kids, so I'm sorry I can't recommend one.

amy said...

I'd love to try the cutter. My girls loved Eric Carle books. I also remember reading Goodnight Moon about a million times :)

Sherill said...

I would love the Go Cutter. My Children and Grandchildren love I'll Love You forever. It always makes me cry,too.

Anonymous said...

I got a Go for Christmas and LOVE IT! So, put me in the running for 2 dies.

I've got two toddlers at home. We LOVE the David books by David Shannon. But, the new favorite in the house is I Am NOT Going to Get Up Today! by Dr Seuss. I always read it with great emphasis and threaten to stay in bed the next day. (Hey.... a Mama can dream, right?)

Thanks for the giveaway and the great blog! I've enjoyed reading....

GerryART said...

COLORS by Richard Scarry
THE ELEPHANT'S CHILD by Rudyard Kipling and adapted by Karen Baicker
My new Nook came with these two books
already loaded.
I do have a GO! that I really love.
The two dies that I would like
are the 8.5" Rag Square
and the Circular 2", 3" and 5"


Jennifer said...

I never win these things but I covet the GO cutter. :) We love Patricia Polacco in our house, and Patricia McKissick too. The Lemonade Club (Polacco) and Mirandy and Brother Wind (McKissick) are favorites.

felicity said...

I'd loooove to win a Go Cutter! Thanks!

Favourite books in our house are anything by Eric Carle, and we're really into the Stella books by Marie-Louiise Gay. They portray a beautiful and realistic brother-sister relationship that I really appreciate. We also love anything by Polly Dunbar.

Cheryl's Teapots2Quilting said...

I just discovered your blog. I'd love the Go cutter and 1 die. I work with the local chapter of Quilts of Valor, and we cut (& sew) lots of quilts. This would be helpful to the whole group. Have you tried the Dr. Seuss books? My 20 year old is trying to collect them. He loves the clever rhymes. It's the 50th Anniversary of the Dr. Seuss books. Try 'Great Day for Up' or 'Green Eggs and Ham' (my favorite). Sam's Club is selling lots of titles. Here is my blog http://cherylsteapots2quilting.blogspot.com/

Sherry Hogan said...

I would like to win the GO,
my favorite book was a golden book called The pokey little puppy and I also like Dr. Seuss Green eggs and ham and 1 fish 2 fish red fish blue fish

Anonymous said...

I would love to explore what I could do with the Go! Does it come with free lessons from you? :)


Lilah loves the series by Leslie Patricelli - especially "No no Yes yes" and "Tubby"

Rachel Bates said...

i so would like the go. I recommend favorites of "Goodnight Moon" and "If you give a mouse a cookie".

makincrafts said...

I would love to win the Accuquilt Go!

Books my little ones have enjoyed: We're Going on A Bear Hunt (Be sure to act it out), Mrs.McNosh Hangs Up Her Wash, and When the Leaf Blew In.

Claudia said...

I would like to win two dies. I recommend book "Mummy, is that you?"

Vivian said...

I would love to win a go.

Children's Books that are a must (read alouds)
I Love You the Purplest
Goodnight Moon
Mama Get the Moon
Guess How Much I Love You

Sewgirl said...

First I want to say how much I have enjoyed your blog. I recommended it to my quilt guild when I did a presentation on machine quilting last October, as that was about the time you were having your quilt-a-long about machine techniques. I love kids books as well. My younger son loved trains, so we must have almost every train book that was written. I still have them. One of my favorites is "The little Red Caboose" (always came last), and The Slow Train to Oxmox" "The Secret Shortcut" by Mark Teague was one of our favorits as well..anyting by him is great.
Oh,and I would love to win the Go!

Vroomans' Quilts said...

I would like the GO - I like Brown Bear and the Hungry Caterpillar books, my grandson just adores them.

Shelina said...

I don't have a GO! I had a book that was a treasury of childrens' stories. It had poems, stories, etc. lots of pictures. It was small enough that it wasn't too big for my daughter to handle. She loved to hand the book to people and ask them to read to her. We would let her pick what she wanted read to her - she usually just opened the book and that's what we read. I'm not sure what it was about that particular book, because she wasn't interested in other compilation books.

Robin (RsIslandCrafts) said...

I would like to enter for the dies please.

It has been so long since my kids were that age. I don't remember what books we read. I know we did read all the Dr. Seuss books.

Mommarock said...

Oh whoooa I would so love to win a go!! The favorite book my kids and daycare kids loved was Dinosaur Roar.. they really got a kick out of that book.

Heidi said...

I'd love to have GO.
Thank you for that great chance to win :-)
And my recommandation is Little Beaver and The Echo by Amy MacDonald. The German version was my daughter's first book

Tracy said...

I'd love to have the GO!. :) My son is 2 and right now his favorite books are "Oh the Thinks You Can Think", "Green Eggs and Ham", "Goodnight Moon", and "Where the Wild Things Are". I know not a one of them is obscure, but these are a daily must in our house.

Thank you for such an awesome giveaway!

Kathy H said...

Thanks for the chance to win in your giveaway. I would love to win 2 more dies for my Go baby. As far as books go for a 2+, The Berenstain Bears books are wonderful. They usually have a lesson in them, lots of colorful pictures and not too long. For wonderful illustrations, Jan Brett's books are another of my favorites. Even though my children are grown, I keep these out for young visitors and they love them all.

quiltma said...

I want to win the Go since I don't have one.
And as far as kids books I would recommend
Love You Forever
Dot The Firedog

nono said...

I would like to win the 2 dies. I recommend Green Eggs and Ham...it's a classic!

robin said...

I would absolutely LOVE to win a GO! cutter! As for book recommendations, hmmm... my kids always loved the classic, "Mike Mulligan and his steam Shovel." I grew up with it and loved it, too!

Joanne Smisko said...

I would love to win a GO since I am a quilter without one. My favorite book as a Grandma is Love You Forever.
Joanne Smisko

mimi said...

I just found your lovely blog and I am so glad that I did. I just recently started to quilt. My mom is a wonderful quilter but I just never had the desire to make a quilt myself. Just over the weekend I spent the day with her learning to quilt. I must say I think I am addicted. I would love to win the Go cutter--I think my mom and I could have a great time using it together. Thank you for the opportunity to win. I would like to recommend the book Ten Tall Soldiers. My son (who is now 19) loved this book. We read it every night.
Have a great day,

Lynda said...

I would love a GO!! There are so many wonderful things you can do with them.

I have been partial to the Fancy Nancy books. My graenddaughters really seem to love them.

kbgood2 said...

I sure could use a Go. I'm fairly new at quilting and could use all the help and aids I can find. The book I would give is call 10 Barnyard Stories as the nieces and nephews loved animal stories. Thank you. Kim Goodin

Sallie said...

I would love to win a Go! My kids loved Go, Dog, Go and we still quote from it 25 years later. :) Another favorite was How Many Kids are Hiding on My Block? by Jean Merrill & Frances Gruse Scott.

Michelle said...

I'd love to enter to win new dies for my Go!

As for a book, try The Sneetches and Other Stories by Dr. Seuss -- espeically the story about the green pants with nobody inside them.

If you're after something longer, try The Purple Ribbon by Sharelle Byers Moranville. It's been years since I read it to my daughter, but we both still bring that one up when we're talking about favorite books.

Animalia is great if you want to look at gorgeous illustrations, but it's a bit of a tongue twister.

Stitched With Prayer said...

Oh my gosh, I would love to have a GO! Cutter, my hands would love it even more than my "I want one" would, LOL. Thanks for the chance. As for a book recommendation, the one that stands out in my mind from when my daughters, then my grandchildren we young is called... "Stand Back Said the Elephant, I'm Going To Sneeze"...(still available on Amazon and probably elsewhere)I would read it to them with lots of gusto and really get into it myself when they were very young and when they could read it themselves they would get into the fun and dramatics of it. Very fun book. I still have my 35 year old copy, that has been through raising two families...a little worn, but still readable and and full of memories.

Deborah in Atlanta said...

I'd love to win the GO! as that's the only way I'll ever have one is if I win one. I think it would make me want to quilt even more. Ye-Gads! And as far as books - I think Dr Seuss was our all-time favorite at that age. The rhyming words made her laugh and laugh. Glad to see there's still a GO! giveaway out in blogland. I'm going to keep my fingers crossed. And my toes. dmj53(at)hotmail(dot)com

Joanna said...

I am entering for the GO! please. There are so many good children's books, like the fancy Nancy series or the Day Before The Day Before series. For instance, for Thanksgiving the book is titled "The Day Before The Day Before Thanksgiving."

Anonymous said...

I would love the Go please, or at least to go in the draw to win the Go n- please :-)


quiltmom anna said...

Well Christina, I have entered a few contests to win a go and still have not been fortunate enough to win ... I would love to win one though-They look like a wonderful tool for quilting...
As for children's books for little ones- I am a kindergarten teacher who loves books so this is hard for me to recommend only a few. I am going to list a few authors for you to check out-
Mo Willems ( Don't let the Pigeon drive the bus and Knuffle bunny)
Eric Carle( The very Hungry caterpillar and many others that are equally wonderful)
Pat Hutchins( Rosie's walk, Titch - lots more)
Melanie Watt( Scaredy Squirrel and Chester the cat)
Audrey Woods- The Napping House
Leo Lionni- Swimmy, Its Mine and many others
Maurice Sendak- Where The Wild Things Are
Janet and allan Ahlberg Baby O. Each Peach Pear Plum etc)
Robert Munsch- a Canadian author who is very popular with my kids
Margaret Wise Brown- The Important book and Goodnight Moon

This list could go on for a long time but that is a bit to start with- There are so many wonderful books for children that have great stories and wonderful illustrations.
Thanks for the chance to win a go -
Warmest regards,

Jennifer said...

I am entering the contest for the GO cutter. My favorite book of all time is "Where the Wild Things Are." Thank you for this giveaway! :)

michele said...

I'm entering for the GO!