August 15, 2010

A quilt along and a GIVEAWAY!

Does the world need another quilt along? I say YES.

Have you noticed that most quilt alongs assemble a quilt top over several weeks and then address the quilting briefly at the end? I have, and I want to do the exact opposite! I want to briefly assemble a top and then walk you through quilting it, with patterns that are interesting to you.

There seem to be lots of quilters who want to practice free motion quilting - but not on a quilt top they've worked hard on. This quilt along gives you a quilt you don't have to worry about ruining - you could even make it out of fabric that you hate if you want. Or, if you don't want to assemble the top, that's fine too. You can just quilt along with scraps.

If you've never free motion quilted before, I'm going to show you how. If you're stuck in a meandering rut, I'm gonna help you break free. If you're already free motioning your little heart out I might at least give you a few new designs to try. I'm no expert, but I've had some success teaching other quilters to free motion quilt and I want to spread the good news far and wide: you can do it! On your home machine! It's not magic. (But it does feel magical!)

So to generate a little interest in this thing and to start some lucky quilter off on the right foot, I've got a little free motion prize package to give away. The lucky winner will receive:

  • Craft size Warm and Natural packaged batting (perfect size for this project!)
  • 50 curved Dritz quilt basting pins
  • Fons and Porter grippy gloves
  • A package of Schmetz size 90/14 quilting needles
  • One spool of YLI machine quilting thread in white

Since the giveaway is an unabashed attempt to publicize the quilt along, you have three ways to enter. You should leave a separate comment for each entry.

1 - leave a comment on this post telling me something you hope we cover in the quilt along.
2 - become a follower of this blog
3 - blog about the giveaway or quilt along and leave the URL to your post below

The giveaway will be open through August 21st. Good luck and stay tuned! If you'd like a button for the quilt along, here it is (for some reason this looks fine on my home screen and sideways everywhere else. I'll do my best to fix it!):

free motion quilt along


1 – 200 of 674   Newer›   Newest»
My Handmadehappiness said...

hey Christina, this is such a good idea i have a quilt put together but have not taken the leap to quilt but i have plan's and material for 2 more quilt's so during this quilt along i hope to gain the confidence to do some lovely quilting... maybe some train's, cowboy hat's ball's of wool and needles!!!! so specific but that's the kid's and grand parent's quilting idea i would love to do!!!!

My Handmadehappiness said...

hello again Christina, i am already a follower and so glad i am!!!

Adrienne said...

I am definitely imtimidated by free motion quilting so I am looking forward to learning more and trying new patterns! Thanks!

My Handmadehappiness said...

i have blogged about your lovely sew-along!!! the pic is the wrong way but is fine in my pic's!!!! to early to fix it though!!!!

Lisa Bee said...

I think I've got the basic idea of FMQing, but I'd love to see the details of how you do it. I also don't have the confidence to "draw" pictures with my quilting like you do. That's what I'd like to do.

Lisa Bee said...

I'm already a follower. :)

Lisa Bee said...

And I blogged (albeit briefly) about the quilt-a-long here:

Lens said...

Quilting along,What a beautiful idea!! I do not have idea about free motion quilting so all your advices will be great for me. I tried to make placemats using freemotion but... well results weren't what I expected.
Is the giveaway open to international readers? If so count me in please :D


Lens said...

I'm already a follower :D

Jeannette said...

I would love to know how to determine the right speed/technique for moving the fabric in order to get an even stitch.

Lens said...

Spread the word on my flickr (I do no have blog, sorry)

Brioni Greenberg said...

I love free motion quilting and after muh practice my control is finally pretty good now! I'm hoping to be inspired with some new shapes and designs.

Brioni Greenberg said...

I'm now a follower and have added you to my blog reader!

Karen said...

Free motion quilting is something I'd love to try! This will be an interesting adventure.

Jenn said...

I need to learn HOW to do the quilting part. Period. I've got the piecing down. I have *ahem...several* quilt tops to work with. I just don't know what to do from here! :)

Lisa said...

I follow your blog!

Lisa said...

Free motion quilting, scary subject for me. I've yet to build up the nerve to actually try it. I think I need to take baby steps because I feel like I'll get lost in it all. Really need some VERY simple starter ideas!

nocton4 said...

wow, really .. what a great idea, would love to give this a try, as for things to cover, some real basics, getting started, what you need etc .. moving slowly through.
Thanks for such a great giveaway, here's hoping x

nocton4 said...

following you too x

Joanna said...

What a coincidence. I have a laprobe quilt that I am donating that I have been avoiding because of the quilting it needs. This morning I began to do simple straight stitching just to finish it. I would love to know how to do simple free motion quilting so that make quilt tops will look as good quilted as I think they do unquilted. I know how to sew a quilt, but not how to quilt a quilt. I'm in!

Joanna said...

I posted about your QAL. and I added your button. I really think this is a great idea. Thanks a bunch!

Julia said...

Fantastic!! I've been a follower for a time & this is exciting! Thanx

Any free motion instructions/tips on a regular machine would make me so happy...I want to try free-motion quilting but have yet to try. Again, THANK YOU!!

Megan said...

Great idea Christina! I'll definitely post about this on my blog in the next day or so, just to spread the word!

(No need to enter me in your generous drawing - I just wanted to give you a virtual high-five for doing the Quilting Along!)

Dawn said...

I'm a follower now. I love free motion quilting but am always looking for a new design to use.

Michele said...

Free motion quilting makes me sweat. Make it easier for me!

Michele said...

I'm following now!

PaTcHwOrK jEnN said...

Post it on my blog on the side.

PaTcHwOrK jEnN said...

Following your blog!

mandy said...

The only FM quilting I've dared try is stippling. I'd love to learn how to do other patterns! Thanks for the great event & giveaway!


mandy said...

I'm a follower!

Michele said...

And I blogged about it:

SewGurl said...

The only quilting I have done is stitch in the ditch, so this is perfect for me. Thanks for doing this!

SewGurl said...

I follow you now.

Cal said...

I just found your blog, by following the link posted on my handmadehappiness's blog. I am now a follower of you blog!

Lindsay said...

This is a great idea and I'm so excited you're doing it! I got a new machine with a stitch regulator earlier this summer and have yet to do much with it because I know I need to practice but I don't want to mess anything up. So this rocks!
Anyway, I guess the thing I'd most like to see is how to smooth out stitching going around curves and corners. And new ideas for quilting designs in general are always fun. Thanks!

Lindsay said...

And I now follow your blog.

Lisa said...

I really think this is a fantastic idea, added it to my blog :)

Dolly said...

Ooh, now this is finally a quilt-along that I might like to participate in ! Gee, that sounded self-centered.....I didn't mean it that way !

But as for the comment, I'd like to see ideas for starting and stopping/hiding the threads. So many other things, too, and I know you'll hit so many !

Let us know when you expect this quilt-along to begin.....but before it does, I hope I get this giveaway package in my mailbox !

Details........PLEASE !

biking underscore dot at yahoo dot com

Dolly said...

I'm already a follower, so please enter me a second time !

Unknown said...

I'm in!

If you knew how many unquilted quilts I have in my sewing room you'd faint. They're just so pretty and I don't want to ruin them with my "quilting as desired"!

Dolly said...

Here's my post, sharing your post ! Please enter me a third time. Thanks !

Unknown said...

I wish I could figure out how to handle more than a mini on my regular old machine!

Unknown said...

I'm now a follower!

I forgot to mention what I'd like to see you cover in my last comment... I'd love to get some instrution on the whole quilt sandwich affair. Which works best? pins or spray and do you quilt in the ditch AND free motion?

Unknown said...

I am now a follower because I want master machine quilting...thanks

Unknown said...

I just blogged about the give-away and quilt-along. Thanks!

Laura said...

I am now a follower1

Laura said...

I am interested in meandering-I just started FMQ and it is so much fun but I can't seem to meander well! Any tips would be great!

Jennifer said...

I'd love to learn whatever you have to teach on free motion quilting--I'm still trying to get up enough nerve to try it! I really want to know how to do the stippling without running over your stitches or making it look too repetitive (or is this how it's done? I'm a total newbie!) and also how to "draw" with free motion quilting. Thanks for the tips! :)

Jennifer said...

I just added you to my Google reader too, so I can follow you!

Laura said...

I just posted about my excitement about this great idea!

Eileen said...

What a great idea...I'm off to blog about it! Looking forward to learning more about free motion...

Fat Chick Design said...

Hey Chirstina,
I found your blog through Traci (myhandmadehappiness)who was promoting your free motion quilt along.
I am now following you!
What a great idea!
As a newbee to quilting, and being both in fear and awe of the free motion technique I say, please! tell me all you can!
I promise to be a sponge!
I have wondered about quilting ever since my mum took it up years ago.
I have now inherited all her books, but really wish she could hold me hand a bit as I take my first steps.
Thank goodness for your quilt along!
(The Fat Chick)

webmailaddress2 said...

I love the look of free motion quilting but have no idea how how it's done! I'm especially curious about how they make it so random.

webmailaddress2 said...

I follow your blog via google reader. Yay!

Vicki @ DottyJane said...

What a great idea! I'm open to any free motion ideas you have.

Leah said...

Now following your blog :)

Leah said...

Great idea - I have a quilt that needs doing... maybe I'll actually get it done...

Patty B. said...

I'm new to free motion quilting, in fact I'm kind of new to quilting. I've made two log cabin quilts and quilted them on my machine with a stitch in a ditch. I'm anxious to quilt one with free motion quilting. I'm a sponge and ready to absorb all you are so generous to impart.

Patty B. said...

I'm now a follower of your blog as well.

Wanda - Scraphappy Blended Quilter said...

Great blog along quilting idea! What's the chance we would learn a simple feather or two. If I am to dedicate myself to learn machine quilting,I want to try and get that old fashioned look :)

Singtatter said...

Chance upon your blog to see a giveaway! How about hand quilting? I'm hoping to learn more on that.

Dora, the Quilter said...

Great idea! I'd love to get more ideas to try.
Quilting is my favorite part of quiltmaking!

Dora, the Quilter said...

I posted about this opportunity at
Happy quilting!

Nancy said...

I love the quilts that are quilted in a pebble pattern, but I haven't figured out to do it. So if that was covered I would love it. Thanks for the quilt along and giveaway.
spackattak7 at hotmail dot com

Pink Zipper said...

Great idea. I would love to get the finer details on speed and movement with FMQ. I always feel like i am rushing rushing but getting nowhere!

Sheila said...

I'm a follower now, so looking forward to this!

Loretta said... have done some beautiful quilting. I am so wanting to learn to free motion on my 15-91. I can't see where the feed dogs drop on mine.

Loretta said...

I am now a follower of your blog and look forward to learning from you!!!

tracy stuntz said...

my machine has a such a small space between the middle and needle. I can hardly fit a quilt in there! what to do?

holly k said...

oooh...this sounds like a great quilt a long! I've been doing a little practice on my free motion...I need practice! :) I hope you will cover how to start and stop, and how to keep the bottom straight and tight so the back side looks good too! Threads...what do you do when it breaks in the middle of the process? :)

cathy said...

Please tell us about what to do when you find a bird's nest on the back of your quilt.

cathy said...

i follow you on Google reader.

WoolenSails said...

It sounds interesting. I love free motion and would love to learn ways to make it easier. One of the things I hate is pinning the layers, would love an easier way. I also struggle with a larger one, even though I have a deep area, so I would love to see how to move the quilt around smoothly.

I have all the items, even the gloves, so don't need to be in the contest.


Spooky said...

Very much looking forward to this, feeling nervous though because free motion seems really daunting! I hope to see covered: tips on how to keep all the layers from shifting, so that the top and bottom layer don't develop folds in the stitching. Thanks!

Spooky said...

Also I'm a new follower of your blog!

Barb said...

I want so badly to learn more about free motion quilting....thanks for the opportunity to get with it.

Barb said...

I am now a follower...thanks again.

Barb said...

I will post,look on my left sidebar.

tvbleak said...

I am in a meandering rut and this looks exciting. I'll have a small quilt ready and waiting. Thanks.

Betsy said...

count me in Christina. I always struggle with the quilting design so I know this will be motivating to me.

Betsy said...

I became a follower. Thank you for the chance.

Lauradublin said...

I am leaving a post and will become a follower. I am in a deep rut when it comes to quilting and only ever stipple but am dying to try something else, so this is perfect for me! Thanks

Judy said...

What a nice surprise this morning...I am looking forward to quilting along with all of I am taking my first longarm lesson and am very excited..and now this...must be meant to be..blessings Judy

rcp said...

I think this might make me FINALLY try free motion quilt! Thanks for doing this to get me going!

Potpourri said...

This is a great idea, I have the top ready and I am ready to roll.

Anonymous said...

What a great quilt-a-long! I am putting together a quilt right now that I really want to free motion quilt but am at a loss as how to do it, this is perfect! Thanks for hosting and I WILL be joining in! :)

Ann J said...

Hi Christina!
Just what I need! I am really bored with meandering on everything, so would love to join you all!! Have added your Blog to my Google Reader list, don't know if this counts as a 'follower', and can't wait for new postings.......Luv AJ

Laura said...

Got here from Yahoo's "Quiltbee." (Thanks, Diana) I have a new Kenmore machine, and one of my goals is to learn to do free motion quilting with it. I'll be following along, and learning lots! Thanks so much!

cvdnurse said...

What a great quiltalong! I know I need lots more practice on the quilting aspect of a quilt, so I'm hoping to learn lots! I'm always worried about puckers and wrinkles on the back of my quilt so I hope you can address how to minimize this problem.
Susan in NC

Nancy said...

I am a new follower... and can't wait.. I have a top all ready..I think I need ALL the instructions you can give..

Nancy said...

I added your button to my sidebar...

Nancy said...

I blogged about it here...

Bree said...

What a great idea! I can do basic stippling, but I always seem to mess up when it comes to real quilting patterns. I'd love to see pebble quilting covered - you know, with all those teensy roundish ovals side by side? I haven't figured that out so easily. I can't keep the pebbles straight!

Lois said...

Hi I became a follower and look forward to learning free motion quilting ideas. Lois

terry said...

I am one of those "meandering stuck" quilters you refer to. Hope to move out and on with other quilting designs with your help. I am a follower as of now.

Terry in So. Calif.

Taya@TypeB said...

this is such a great idea! I am definitely a newbie and only do straight-line quilting, so I am definitely interested in learning new things, especially how to make nice smooth curved designs.

cvdnurse said...

I'm a follower, too!
Susan in NC

Taya@TypeB said...

I became a follower. I'm looking forward to the quilt-along!

Jocelyn said...

What a fabulous idea! I would love to participate in your quilt along (and finish)! I am stuck in a meandering rut and would love to improve my machine quilting skills.

Jocelyn said...

And I am now a follower :-)

allsewnup said...

I'm a new follower.


Jocelyn said...

Okay, I also posted on my blog today :-) You can find it here -

allsewnup said...

Love the crocodile! I'm stuck in that mindless free motion rut too so I'm looking forward to something new and different.
Thank you for the chance to win.


Tiffany said...

What a great idea! I can't wait to learn more about free motion quilting. I have been struggling with keeping my stitches nice and even looking. And all I can do is meander. This should be fun!

allsewnup said...

You're in my sidebar and I look forward to starting to your quilt along.


Tiffany said...

I am a new follower!

KatieQ said...

I would like to learn the best way to move from quilting one area of the quilt to another while keeping it consistent

KatieQ said...

This quilt along seems to be just what I need so I have become a follower.

Diane said...

I just finished a quilt top and have seriously thought about quilting it myself. Looking forward to maybe getting it done. It will be a charity quilt, so...
It's Asian fabrics, so a design that would work with that is my goal.

Anna said...

I took one free motion class and never tried again. Thanks for offering the quilt along

Anna said...

I'm a follower

SewCalGal said...

Great idea for a quilt along. Count me in!


SewCalGal said...

I'm following with great excitement.


Stray Stitches (Linda G) said...

I still haven't had the nerve to free motion a quilt - just a lot of stitch in the ditch and 1/4" away from the seam routine. So, any suggestions to make the leap would be appreciated!

love.sewn said...

free motion seems so cool but im afraid to attempt it. i just got a new brother sewing machine and a spring action free motion foot came with it. i would love to know some tutorials for it.

love.sewn said...

and im a follower

Jennwith4 said...

Yay! I've been wanting to learn how to free motion quilt. Something I hope you cover is just the simple meandering pattern right now because I've never done it before.

SewCalGal said...

Ooops. I forgot to add what I'd like to learn. I'd really like to learn to make your whimsical octopus, but any cute whimsical design would be fun.


Mikelle said...

I love this idea. I haven't tackled free motion yet, but I plan to when I get my new machine. I'm just hoping to learn enough about the basics that I will actually be able to free motion on the quilts I give to others.
kell22 @

NorahS said...

What a great quilt-along idea! I am really looking forward to it. I don't know enough to ask for any specifics, but I will be ready to soak up all the pointers I can get. Thanks for doing this.

NorahS said...

I am a follower of your blog!

Stray Stitches (Linda G) said...

I included your giveaway on my blog. And while you are there, check out my giveaway too!

dawson.tracy35 said...

I am a follower! Love the quilt alongs!!

Tracy Dawson

dawson.tracy35 said...

I am really excited to learn about free motion quilting. I have tried it but I just can't get my confidence up to do it on a quilt yet!

Tracy Dawson

Deb G. in VA said...

I would like to learn how to move the quilt thru my home machine better. I can do small wall quilts and table runner fairly well, but have trouble maneuvering anything larger.

Deb G. in VA said...

I am following using Google Reader.

♥Duff said...

thanks for the giveaway! I need help with controlling stitches--I have trouble with getting my feet and hands in unison resulting in uneven stitches or strange "angles" of the thread instead of fluid circles.

♥Duff said...

I am a follower and looking forward to learning some new tricks during this quiltalong!

Anonymous said...

This is such a NEAT IDEA!
Thanks for sharing!

A Garden of Threads said...

This sounds like a great idea, I shall be following along.

Marcia W. said...

This sounds just like what I need. I have an older sewing machine where the feed dogs do not drop. Also, I have not located the types of feet most tuts suggest (either a walking foot or clear circular darning foot). Is it possible for the instructions to include those of us who have old machines (think 1950s to 1970) without modern bells and whistles? Hope I can take part.

adnohr said...

I hope you cover pebbles. I love the way they look but just can't get them right.

adnohr said...

i've subscribed in google reader!

Deborah in Atlanta said...

I tend to stick with what's familiar. And easy. So I'd love to see the tips you will provoide on how I can do this easier. Can you get me out of my comfort zone? I soooo hope so.

Terry said...

What a great idea! I've been wanting to learn free motion so this sounds like just the thing I need! Thanks! :0)

Terry said...

I'm a follower too! :0)

Terry said...

And I just posted on my blog about it! Here's the link to it:

Deborah in Atlanta said...

I'm a follower dmj53(at)hotmail(dot)com

Maria McCabe said...

Perfect timing - I am just about finished piecing a top for my bed and I am going to attempt to Free Motion Quilt....for the first time YIKES! I need your help!

Maria McCabe said...

And I am a brand new follower - thanks for the upcoming lessons!

Wendy said...

This is such a good idea especially at this time for me. I am trying to learn more than just the basic free motion of quilting. I never use gloves so winning a pair would really be great. Thanks for such a lovely giveaway and for doing this quilt along.

Wendy said...

I am now a follower of your blog.

Anonymous said...

I'm a follower!

Anonymous said...

Anything you show would be a blessing as I am a brand new quilter.

free indeed said...

I'd like to see feathers covered and quilting designs for using in big blocks (like a feathered wreath type design or some thing like that for those large plain showoff blocks!

Lisa said...

This sounds fun!! I would love for you to cover how NOT to get folds on the back side of the quilt when free motion quilting...I pin and pin and pin but still get the fabric bunched on the back every now and again...thanks for the giveaway!

BillieBee (billiemick) said...

bubbles...I want to learn bubbles...grin. Tiny bubbles in the air.........old song.

SewLindaAnn said...

I hope you cover how to keep breathing while you're practicing!

BillieBee (billiemick) said...

Just signed up to follow!

SewLindaAnn said...

I am a follower, thanks!

SewLindaAnn said...

By the way, there can never be too many quilt a longs.

BillieBee (billiemick) said...

I blogged about your giveaway.

Billie in TX

Janet said...

I am a new follower.

Janet said...

I would love to learn more about free motion quilting. I have some quilts that need quilting, but I'm such a chicken. Can I learn about courage?

Emily said...

I am a new quilter and have not actually quilted a full quilt yet, so I am very excited to learn the basics. Oh, and some tips on how to wrangle all the fabric under your machine would be good too!

Emily said...

I just added your blog to my Google Reader, so I am now a follower.

Sandy said...

I am a follower and can't wait!

Sandy said...

Simple designs along with meandering would be great...have only done practice swatches!

Janet said...

I blogged about your giveaway and quilt along on my blog.

janet said...

This looks like fun, and I would love to practice my free motion quilting with something other than meandering:)

janet said...

I am now a follower of your blog!

Needled Mom said...

This is a fabulous idea. I would love to see meandering feathers.

Needled Mom said...

I am now a follower.

Needled Mom said...

I am adding this to my blog right now.

Margie said...

I want to so bad learn how to do this, but guess I'm just not brave enough and this sounds like a very good time to try it.

Margie said...

I just became a follower and am now off to put the button on my blog.

Soggibottom said...

174, so I live in hope :-)
I love trees and as your first pic is of just that how can I not enter. Quite happy to tell everyone who visits Soggibottom about your giveaway. Don't need a nudge to join your followers :-) x x x

Soggibottom said...

Your on the side bar of Soggibottom. x x x

Deanna said...

The quiltalong looks intriguing. Thanks for the giveaway offer.

Soggibottom said...

Soggibottom has joined :-) x x x

Linda in Arkansas said...

Even the thoughts of quilting scares me. But I'm in - I'm going to do this with you. And great idea to use something you can mess up (not one of your good quilts!)

Linda in Arkansas said...

And now I'm a follower!

Rachel said...

Hi - please count me in, am ready for the challenge! :)

Johanna said...

That is such a good idea! I have been wanting to try it but I have an industrial machine which won't let me lower the feed dogs - so pretty useless for freemotion quilting. But my mom has a normal sewing machine which I could probably use. Long story short, anything would be appreciated!

Margie said...

Just posted about it on my blog and Thanks for doing this!

teresa said...

I am now a follower ~ saw the link on another blog ~ should be fun

teresa said...

something I hope we cover in the quilt along: I need help keeping my stitches consisten length ~ thanks

nanotchka said...

I'm looking forward to this quilt along. I have a stack of quilt top just waiting for that final step. I'm looking forward to ideas for different types of quilt tops like pieced versus applique and combinations of both etc. It will be fun to work along with you. HOpe it starts soon.

nanotchka said...

I just posted the quilt along button to my blog. Can't wait to start.

Vail said...

This is a great idea for a quilt along. I can definitely use tips, ideas and practice with my free motion quilting. Can't wait to get started.

vail in tn

Bec Clarke said...

Oh how wonderful to find one before the start. I always find them when they are finished.
I can't wait!!!
Am off the add the button to my blog.
I hope we cover something for borders.

Bec Clarke said...

I am following now too.

Sally said...

I have not tried free motion and I think you are going about it in a way that makes so much sense!

Sally said...

I am following you in my Google Reader. Thank you for the giveaway!

Vail said...

I've blogged about your quilt along. Here's the link to my post.

vail in tn

Stacey said...

i would love to learn to have more confidence free motion quilting!!

Stacey said...

i am a follower

Stacey said...

i linked about the giveaway at the top of my blog

thanks, Stacey

Cricket said...

Count me in. I don't even care if I win - I just bought a free-motion foot (I don't even know what it is called) and I have only briefly experimented with it. I can't commit to the time a quilt-a-long would take, but I sure as heck can throw something together quick-like and learn to quilt. Awesome idea.

Unknown said...

I do not have a blog but I love reading other peoples blogs. I just started free motion quilting and could use all the help I can get. I am excited to learn from you and the other quilters.

Bailey said...

I hope you cover how to fix various mistakes that might occur. I've never done free motion quilting, I've tried on a few scraps before and the back ends up a horrible mess and I have no idea why that's happening.

Great giveaway, thanks for the chance!

Bailey said...

I'm a new follower! Can't wait for this tutorial!!!!

Quiet Quilter said...

Here is the link to my posting about the quilt-along:

Just do me a favor and start at the beginning....I have a couple of quilts available to try will be good to stretch my "abilitites??"

bobbie23nc said...

I'd love to be better at machine quilting. I plan to follow along.

Becky said...

This is a wonderful idea. Finally, I might have time to improve my machine quilting. Thanks so much for offering this to us!

Becky said...

I have happily signed up to Follow your blog. Thank you!

Vail said...

I'm now a follower of your blog. Look forward to getting started.

Katie said...

Wow gurrrrll.. You are amazing!! An Angel sent from above!! I DEFINATELY be spreading the word. I cannot WAIT to get started..
I have added the quilt-along button to my blog and made sure to let everyone know about this so they too can join in on the fun!!
Thank you SO SO SO MUCH!!!

Aileen said...

I hope you talk about transitions between one pattern and another, or keeping the flow going between designs. I often end up with some weird wiggly thing that clearly shows my though process halted.

Michelle said...

I love the idea for this quilt-a-long! The thing I'd like to see the most is "how do you choose?" I never know what motif to free motion quilt in anything! I just don't "see" it, unless it's obvious like scales in a fish. I'm just tired of in-the-ditch and stippling and would like my blocks, sashings and borders to be more interesting. Thanks for the give away! I added you to my follow list.

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